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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. Don't you die if you see your doppelganger?
  2. Silver bullets aren't cheap. Oh wait, that's werewolves.
  3. Guess it's time to try swordfish. By the time any damage shows up, I'll have been dead for years.
  4. Now I'm scared of the Easter Bunny.
  5. DeeDee turned 14 today. I ache all over.
  6. So, the Easter Bunny=Santa Claus?
  7. Count your blessings - I edited that before I posted it.
  8. I can't speak for medical school, but in nursing school, we spent an entire semester learning how to properly chill our hands before patient contact.
  9. They were an animal sacred to Eostre, a pagan goddess of fertility, whose major festival was held in the spring. When converting western Europe, the church fathers often incorporated local myth into church tradition to make acceptance of the faith easier.
  10. What a great movie night! First Komodo vs Cobra, then Mega Piranha. Now I'm torn between Attack of the Giant Leeches and Chupacabra vs The Alamo. If I had a man and two robots held captive in a satellite, I'd be Pearl Forester.
  11. Damn, I am of a different generation - my first exposure to Passover was the All of a Kind Family books
  12. With a nice sauce? BBQ all the way. After all, it's supposed to taste like pork or beef, depending on who you talk to.
  13. Yes. It's called kuru (not to be confused with koro) or the laughing disease. It's a spongiform encephalopathy similar to mad cow disease, and can be contracted by eating infected neural tissue (brain or spinal cord). Edit: ninja'd by disco I think
  14. When someone complements you on your cleverness and wit, the proper response is to smile knowingly and say nothing. Don't destroy the illusion. Also, it's "Boers."
  15. Unless ghostie was too subtle for me and was actually going for imperialist pigs.
  16. 🤦
  17. *Boers
  18. The Quiet Man (1952) Planet of the Apes (1968) The Ten Commandments (1956) The Great Escape (1963) Any movie with Lon Chaney Sr. Any 3 Stooges short in the Curley or Shemp era
  19. Not nursing homes, retirement communities and assisted living facilities. We had kind of a mini epidemic of chlamydia at one of the local facilities - somebody picked it up someplace, and the gent who was servicing half the widows in the complex shared the wealth. It's kind of awkward, having a conversation about safe sex with somebody who was born before WWII.
  20. I worked in family practice for ten years. Fridays were the worst - every geriatric dude in the county calling to see if we had Viagra or Cialis samples because Medicare would only cover 5 a month. You're 75 - how much sex do you actually need?
  21. I remember when Viagra first came out - in order to get a prescription for it, one had to undergo cardiac screening, including possible clearance from a cardiologist, to insure that one was healthy enough to use it with minimal risk of dire consequences. Now, one can just call a number on the TV or go to a website, and hey presto! All the erectile assistance one could ever ask for. Did it actually turn out to be that safe, or did profit and boners turn out to be more important?
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