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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. Is that why mice can be found in ovens?
  2. That exists? 🤯
  3. I actually have a dvd of The Final Sacrifice - I'm saving that and Manos for Halloween proper.
  4. I used to eat pbj for lunch 5 days a week. They're easy to store, go well with coffee, and, if you use a reasonably hearty bread, are surprisingly satisfying. (Plus,seeing as you're having a legume and grain, you get the whole complimentary amino acid thing going on.) Now I'm hungry for a pbj on rye.
  5. Thank you ! They'll be delighted!
  6. Well, that was useless. They didn't have ketchup chips back then.
  7. So, theoretically, one should never indulge in pumpkin spice while wearing a white dinner jacket?
  8. If you remember that the Internet is just a series of tubes, it makes perfect sense.
  9. *wakes up, looks around* When did we invade Canada? And can we bring back ketchup chips?
  10. Punctuation is our friend.
  11. The dude voted for Trump in 2016. Clearly a lunatic.
  12. Yes. The Tasty Human flavored cat treats are out again.
  13. McDonald's triad: abusing/killing small animals, enuresis, and starting fires.
  14. Maybe for you, but I'm very bad at delayed gratification.
  15. One can dream...
  16. Nickel says days or even hours, not months. I can see him expiring in a Dickensian fit of apoplexy as the returns come in.
  17. Look, in defense of Florida man, wild boars are considered nuisance animals, and can be hunted year round. Granted, you're supposed to get the property owner's permission, but sometimes, the beer goggles can obstruct the "No Trespassing" signs. And cooked right, wild boars are tasty (in view of which, Florida man is lucky that he missed).
  18. Wild boars are a real problem in Florida.
  19. 🎂🎉🎂🎊🎂 Cake for all!
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