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Thunder Goddess
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Everything posted by mthor

  1. For somebody with such contempt for the Farms, you seem to comb it pretty thoroughly.
  2. I haven't seen him, because God knows he's too set in his ways to use a unique screen name (or at least, one that I couldn't figure out), but then again, I'm mostly in the Beauty Parlor or the legal threads.
  3. I'm glad Pepperidge Farms remembers, because I don't.
  4. Dude, pet rocks worked as a business plan, and you can't tell me that they didn't start out as a joke.
  5. Blueberry muffins - yay jiffy mix!
  6. The fuschia is nice.
  7. Look, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
  8. Oh, thanks. Now you've given me an earworm. 🎶High on a hill lived a lonely butthole yodelady yodelady yoheehoo🎶 If you hear a knock on your door tonight, it's me, come to beat you with a rolled up newspaper.
  9. Somewhere out there, a sailboat is looking for that.
  10. Y'know, I was wondering the same thing. My dad had red-green color blindness, and he used to say that both colors were shades of grayish beige.
  11. It makes me think of Vigo in the second Ghostbusters movie.
  12. Coffee is always worth celebrating.🎉☕
  13. I loved it, but I had to quit in nursing school because it messed with my short term memory for a day or two after. Couldn't smoke on Saturday night then go to clinical on Monday expecting to be sharp.
  14. From my Bottomless Bookcase of Bad Movies. Come on over - I'll supply the popcorn 🍿
  15. I saw this at 1 am my time (while I was out having a hotflash smoke), so it was too late for a movie, but I think tonight's memorial viewing will be A Bucket of Blood and The Terror.
  16. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/12/521916134/roger-corman-the-b-movie-legend-who-launched-a-list-careers-dies-at-98
  17. And again, I am grateful that I had girls.... PS. Happy Mother's Day Also, Happy Mother's Day @discolé monade
  18. I take it that you've never heard of blood atonement...
  19. I will give you kneecaps just so that I can take them out.
  20. I'm not in a motorized car yet, but punch me in the tit and I will take out your kneecaps with my cane.
  21. The classes I took, I had to take, for one reason or another, but the most ridiculous one was Comparative Religions - in nursing school.
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