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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. they did bail me out when I flew across the country but forgot to pack a shirt and tie but then again, they did offer a "camo print" white shirt as one of the options, because "oregon"
  2. yes, specifically you now go tell your friends!
  3. it's such a niche thing though, couldn't save kodak from bankruptcy
  4. oh i know, but that was my initial reaction when I first heard
  5. "no one uses traditional film cameras anymore? ...CRYPTO-CURRENCY"
  6. as @SlappyKincaid always says "lips and assholes"
  7. but eventually the value of the buttcoin will dive and bottom out
  8. I can't help it. Chicken wings - those are like your arms, maaaan. Incidentally, I need to remember to eat the leftover wings in the fridge.
  9. I'd go the other way. If I had to work doing something related to anatomy, I'd probably become a vegetarian. or at least only eat boneless meat that I couldn't reflexively associate with the human anatomy. Like, I like ribs right? Well, I do until my brain is like "yo dude, you're like eating a portion of a rib cage. you have a rib cage. you are eating a thing that you have." Then I lose my appetite.
  10. joke's on him when he finds out you switched the locks
  11. welcome back! maybe it feels a little weird, but we're all a little weird anyways so it's ok. plus, posting on mobile in those short windows of dead time rather than being tethered to a PC is completely game changing. GAME CHANGING
  12. pets generally are assholes so are people
  13. These accounts will be used for site updates as well as general community outreach and other nonsense. https://twitter.com/UnevenEdge https://www.facebook.com/UnevenEdge/ We also have an account on MAL: https://myanimelist.net/profile/UnevenEdge Let us know if you have any UEMB community or subfolder news/events to broadcast out to the world!
  14. As if this thread could get any stupider, given the topic. Her ban expired a week ago.
  15. Happy boardtowntime
  16. This software can filter out bots trying to register and I believe I turned on a catchpa thing or something else that prevents bots from posting for the password recovery board, which is the only board guests can post on. I guess there's nothing stopping bots from logging on and viewing things, like sponges' fanfic.
  17. That doesn't sound like the best part of waking up at all!
  19. well no busy more like 'work' or 'admin stuff' yeah
  20. I have moments where everything is an existential crisis. But then I get busy.
  21. Fortunately for your reputation, she'd have to join and ingrain herself into the community for 500 posts before DF unlocks.
  22. the fake movie villian velociraptors of Jurassic Park
  23. As long as the bills get paid and people are still here, the boards aren't going anywhere anytime soon.
  24. Thanks Obama
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