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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. Not really interested in the kang stuff
  2. We already know you have the most photogenic cat ever, but she's not a tuxedo cat!
  3. Good thing we work well on mobile now!
  4. While asking me about my other grandmother, my maternal grandmother cut me off mid-sentence to complain that she's worried I won't make a good husband because between the totally binary choice of mowing the lawn and washing the car versus sitting and watching TV, I'd probably watch TV (even though I barely watch TV).
  5. White conservative Christians are afraid of secularism and inclusivity.
  6. #MUGA
  7. She's still a bit feral and is still socializing. She's been more and more interested in curling up in bed but she's still got fairly one dimensional needs - she has learned after being in a shelter for years that being scratched is the greatest thing in the world, but her relationship with you is pretty binary - generally either you are scratching her, or she has no use for you.
  8. My stepfather mindlessly said "happy holidays" to my grandmother this evening, and then she made it a point to stop and correct him, and then my mother got super triggered because of how offensive "happy holidays" is and why would he have ever thought to say that to begin with - obviously no one there was Jewish and even if they were, you would say "happy Hanukkah". And as I was typing that up, I think I just realized that he might have said it on purpose just to stir the pot.
  9. No We are already lax on language and we have dumpster fires for anyone being a general shithole.
  10. I can assure you that's not true.
  11. Tell her we work on her gd phone
  12. @Cidz where u at
  13. A shower isn't a shower until the hot water is all used up.
  14. I don't really know... or understand.
  15. And this is the story of how I could never get out of bed until I died.
  16. Apparently my youngest sister goes to a Bob Ross Club in high school. And from what I understand, this club, that has a faculty supervisor, just watches episodes of Bob Ross's show. They don't paint or anything, they just watch the show.
  17. Merry Christmas Jake.
  18. Jack why haven't you made scrapyard come back yet
  19. You are all welcome
  20. It's 1:00 PM does that count
  21. Don't advocate surrounding the White House with lightning attractants on this site.
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