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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. oh... yeah I was talking about the other naraku
  2. Raptorpat


    I don't think he ever made it here. If someone knows him, send him an invite!
  3. Poof is not banned. Misaka please don't pass off your assumptions as fact because it's just gonna spread drama.
  4. Deleted posts are permanently deleted by the system after 30 days. Until then, yes.
  5. @Spindack I don't know if you intended it ironically or what but lay off the slurs. I believe you've gotten banned for this before so you should know not to do it.
  6. Was he last able to access it before the upgrade or after? Does unevenedge.com shoot him directly to an error page or is it part of the login?
  7. Fortunately for everyone, you thought to check and log in
  8. You were actually one of those people where I activated your account and then... nothing... for weeks. And then I was all 'oh shit did I lose katt' *cue anxiety*
  9. I believe there is an option to toggle on and off notifications for people you follow.
  10. The problem is that one of us has to be online or otherwise able to respond in real time to the point where it borders on coincidence if you got approved that quick. There are a number of ASMB people that joined and then never posted because they didn't know the account was approved - they either weren't receiving a notification email once approved, it was lost to their spam box, or they just forgot they joined.
  11. Manual approval is an utter bitch. But maybe, given the issue.
  12. I have spent all week filling boxes, and loading and unloading said boxes and furniture in subzero temperatures. I have strained something somewhere, and I've gotten sick. I wake up in the morning to several reports from a thread where you've posted a picture people have pointed out reveals much more than just your name. Whether or not you intended it as bait, people took said bait and ridiculed you for it. This is all stupid. Y’all shut up and move on.
  13. I bought a house in 2017
  14. Maybe you should host the UEMB ball dorp party
  15. He still has threads stickied, maybe that's it.
  16. Happy birthday hope you are not too lost to find this thread
  17. There are only three admin accounts, KN and I are the active admin. There should be a "Staff" button on the top bar if you are on PC.
  18. Yeah and comedy needs more space
  19. Come on guys
  20. Mind him because he's probably trying to steal the cutlery
  21. You are being surveiled. Dont mind the man in black.
  22. It was the Circle Jerk of Hatred. Wickedlady flipped out at the clique and called them that, and they took it and made it their own.
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