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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. Crapshot joined but never posted
  2. Cracky I think is just burned out on the internet. And MrD, I figure his end experiences on the boards basically involved nothing more than spot-banning bucket et al and zero admin support until they pulled the plug.
  3. I am pretty sure cracky does not follow the UEMB Twitter account back. I can also confirm that whichever mod was MrD has not joined either.
  4. Happy birthday cacalacadingdong
  5. So then maybe it is real after all
  6. ^ Are you zeni?
  7. I have to desperately finished moving shit out of the apt and have it cleaned before Tuesday, and then the rest of the year will be spent living like an unpacked hoarder.
  8. @SwimOdin is here. I dunno about anyone else, mostly because I don't know who the later mods we're.
  9. Moving is the worst and moving under an impending lease expiration in the dead of a winter cold snap is literally Hitler
  10. I am
  11. If you think they're the type to open a tab when they're mindlessly bored, and you think they might fit in, go for it.
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. Raptorpat

    Ok, I'm done.

    I'm probs gonna out right delete all his instabanned accounts to stop skewing the registration numbers.
  14. Oh wait, he's not here. Like a chump.
  15. A dogfight or epic proportions. Genitalia everywhere, with combatants' getting caught up in each other's and plummeting back to the ground.
  16. Holy shit that imagery man
  17. Adulthood is just a cover for pretending we're in control
  18. Actors reread their lines in the studio after shooting, but she died before she did hers so that's why. She's the only one with her original on-set audio.
  19. Naraku4567 is just racist against non-FFA folders, even though now naraku's thread about "Get Out" appears on the main page of the PC site.
  20. The cats moved in to the new house last night. Between small, stubby tuxedo Wilma and big manly Lt. Dancer (aka blackie), guess which one was the first to explore, the first to check out the basement, the first to find and use the litter box, and the first to find and eat the cat food. And then guess which one is a giant dumb baby who cried the entire car ride over, meowed bloody murder and accidentally peed on me when I tried to take him down to the litter box in the basement, and could only use the litter box that first time while I stood watch for him, and then hid himself under a pallet in the basement today while I was out getting another load of boxes.
  21. Potatoes are a starch too
  22. @CaptainStarwind Hope your birthday is funderful and if you don't see this until after then you are totally excused due to birthdaying <3 ?
  23. It's something to do with the type of sugar you get from digesting it, right?
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