The guy/girl who just wants to get laid should get other hobbies
The sports guy/girl should just get other hobbies
The whiny single guy/girl should stop hanging out on MRA subreddits in the former case and shitty "just single girl things" or w/e tumblrs in the latter
The married with kids by 24 guy/girl you will drift apart from because of life so there's no need to be a dick and do it consciously
Cheaters are shitty but if they're not dragging me into their exploits I don't care
The "loser" seems pretty chill and it's dumb to cut off a loyal and dependable friend who probably likes good music just because you can't control how often they smoke pot
The living in the past guy is probably way more of a loser than the previous entry who at least has hobbies
Just stop inviting the undependable guy/girl to things
That list was dumb