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Everything posted by KreiaDidNothingWrong

  1. hahahaha how is pink eye real ahhahahahah are you 12 hahhahaha stop farting in each others faces and you won't get it lmao
  2. I don't cry because I'm a machine.
  3. what if humans were like those animals that only had one orifice so we pooped out of our mouths? would it be called an oriface?
  4. has anyone's dick ever been long enough they could fuck themselves in the ass?
  5. I'm sure there are It's fuckin wild
  7. No, but I have met people who do believe in flat earth, Jade Helm, reptilians, and nordic aliens
  8. some of you are cool, don't come to Christmas tomorrow
  9. idk it's probably the same most of my friends have been girls and were just as sexual and horny as any of my guy friends also after I became so gay I started taking hormones I'm still just as horny it takes me longer to dicksplode now though. That's really the only difference
  10. There's an opiod crisis which results in art about that subject. It's not the other way around.
  11. Why would you beg? What the fuck? That's just going to look weird and awkward.
  12. It's Zeni. Zeni definitely knows what that means but uses it in real life when no one else uses it outside of the internet.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discordianism
  14. 1.) no, they would be dead. They had to get the transports out covertly and get as many people on them as they could. Poe ruined that with his stupid casino mission ruined by a drunk snitch. The thing that was wrong with it in actual writing was that the first order probably could have just let them keep floating away for like 6 hours so they could hyperspace to them without overshooting it. 2.) I agree but they have to sell books or attempt to make it a plot point somehow in the next movie somehow. Snoke's alien army is here, and THEY'RE PISSED or some stupid shit like that. 3.) I wouldn't have a problem with this if there had been an actual time jump consistent with the "taking worlds" thing in the opening crawl. If anything they just destabilized everything when they blew up the Hosnian system and more factions should be popping up. Mandolorians, for example, should be securing their territory. Space pirates should be going nuts. It has literally been like 3 days. 4.) Yes. 5.) yes. Why would he even give her those? lmao 6.) Yeah I had some issues with this too. 7.) first two questions: I don't have an answer for you. The Casino thing was a stupid Poe idea though. It never would have been approved for fuel reasons and his stupid decisions earlier in the movie. This movie focused a lot of time on Poe just being really fucking incompetent.
  15. It was fine. Laura Dern's character did nothing wrong. People upset with some of the characters need to fucking rewatch the old movies and actually get a grasp on the characters they're bitching about.
  16. Implying that Discordianism isn't lit af
  17. [random Max Stirner quote]
  18. Part of me wants a house. Part of me knows that then I'm kinda stuck wherever for awhile
  19. I soyboy'd so hard that now I consume estrogen
  20. Blade Runner 2049 called and said "tell Zeni to shut up"
  21. Satan is a goat man who looks after your crops
  22. spay your cat neuter dog CONTROL THE POPULATION
  23. "The prequels are too different and don't feel like Star Wars" "The Force Awakens is too much like A New Hope" "The Last Jedi isn't anything like ESB" I love Star Wars and I hate its fans so I'm gonna watch it but hopefully they're all gone by the time I do
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