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Everything posted by KreiaDidNothingWrong

  1. Implying there's enough money there
  2. And what happens when there's no money to pull from because you've ensured far, far less people can have kids?
  3. You'll run out of supplies and eventually the surface will claim you when you leave for more beans
  4. This "poor people just stop breeding" attitude is a far more realistic problem than overpopulation, which is a meme
  5. And what happens when there aren't enough people alive to pay for your existence when you retire, grandpa?
  6. porn is hilarious even when I'm not horny.
  7. If I were able to create an autonomous zone without the government going "dudereactlmfao" and killing us all, sex workers would be free to do w/e while pimps would be put to the wall
  8. I wouldn't even be surprised
  9. Yeah They've essentially forced Sex Workers back into the hands of pimps Good going, US government
  10. That would be great Fuckin Keebler elf lookin ass
  11. Debt is a spook hehehe
  12. make sure it's done through craigslist somehow
  13. why would you do that that's like toasting literal plastic and putting margarine on it
  14. You'll get a lot of fights because you'll be sort of like a villain. Everyone will want to teach you a lesson and you'll make money even if you lose!
  15. This is how your MMA career begins prepare to get rich
  16. make them fight for your love your job will be funnier at least
  17. when my cat meows I meow back
  18. that sounds terrible
  19. are you some sort of babysitter or something?
  20. I'm in line for a management position at my store I've never been written up for anything even though I'm essentially the Jim Halpert of my workplace One day, of course one of the few times I have to cover some cashier, some guy is mad that he's not getting the sale price on something and I explain he has to have a card I can sign him up for and that this is what "with card" is referring to on the tags. Explain it's free to join and some of the benefits of doing so. He walks off and puts it back on his way out he's like "U NEED TO CHANGE THE SIGN BUDDY" and I'm like "yeah, maybe read the tag next time." he leaves haven't seen him since my answer to not seeing him again is "good"
  21. BJJ is good, but idk how good the schools are around me I need to get into a grappling art eventually
  22. take up a martial art this forces you to work out for like 3 hours a week at least
  23. you can be on my team
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