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Everything posted by KreiaDidNothingWrong

  1. I would unironically fight detroitred
  2. You don't have to like them. They exist as a result of human thought and behavior. The divide between Democrats and Republicans is extremely stupid, yes, but some divides are very real. If you expect Left unity to happen, or a Democrat and a Nazbol to get along you are extremely foolish. Even when you get rid of identity politics, there are extreme disagreements about how humans should live and be organized.
  3. whenever the fuck o clock: wake up lay around for about an hour or so probably go to my job after that ease the monotony of the mind numbing tasks and dealing with people by letting my mind run on some pretentious bullshit about deconstructing ideas and philosophy bullshit come home drink and work on music maybe read or study foreign language for a little while pass out shitposting is mixed in here and there
  4. Lol at not just drinking Stouts that average like 8% and ending your night with three shots of whiskey
  5. I'd probably be in a much darker place than I already am if my job was that boring
  6. yeah but like what's your point
  7. We have enough of them. Memes should be a thing that happens. Like a copypasta or Loss
  8. rip robot voice
  9. you should unionize your janitorial staff and demand at least $30k for cleaning feces
  10. Drag files here to attach, or choose files...
  11. That's dumb I was hoping it would be because you were a comrade and didn't want to become petit-Bourgeois
  12. I can't even put my dick in my butt and this bitch can put her nipple in hers? What gives?
  13. If I give you $5 will you let me roundhouse kick you in the head full force?
  14. If I give you $5 will you let me roundhouse kick you in the head full force?
  15. I was fucking with you but male dominance is still pretty gay
  16. Get a tinyhouse and some battery operated lamps
  17. sounds like you're bi in denial at least
  18. there's no end of the world until the sun consumes it tbh
  19. lol @ not just using a gravity bong
  20. uh
  21. I was actually going to tell you to get the fries
  22. have you ever tried to shove something into your dickhole?
  23. aside from like...Zeni and Bucket
  24. wait, you're a real person? I thought you were a meme all these years
  25. I can only cum during the types of sex that makes Christians cry
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