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Everything posted by KreiaDidNothingWrong

  1. I mean Nature isn't a static thing. It wouldn't just go back to being pre-human conditions. It would just go from where we are now and a lot of dogs and stuff would probably die.
  2. unfortunately, all the humans dying still won't save the forest whether it's in a hut or in a hearse nothing can stop A GAMMA RAY BURST
  3. my funeral will probably have no family members
  4. why wouldn't you
  5. We have come to our decision. You cannot succeed Zeni as the lead shitposter of this forum
  6. something about anonymous being an idea and everyone is anonymous or something also something something anonymous has no revolutionary praxis and is just a shitty meme or something
  7. make dumb post it doesn't go the way it was planned "hahaha I was only pretending to be stupid, guys!"
  8. promiscuous behavior is fucking awesome, why would I need to make excuses for it?
  9. I wonder how bad this epidemic would be if we actually had real education on drugs, good drug policy, good treatment programs, etc. Even with the people who would still use, I wonder how many would die if the product was actually regulated instead of cut with fentanyl or god knows what else I'm just trying to piece together why I'm supposed to be mad at the addicts here instead of the dealers doing such a thing or our country's bad job at educating people and having good drug policy Why isn't OP mad at drug dealers or the US government?
  10. having no social skills isn't a good way to attract women, Zeni
  11. Heroin is cheaper and easier to get than the prescription painkillers your doctors get you addicted to. Mix that with them being more potent and you're gonna choose heroin pretty fast. With it being unregulated and cut with shit like fentanyl you're also going to have ODs. There's also the factor that even seeking treatment is discouraged because of the prison industrial complex. Also mental illness puts you at risk for drug use and we have piss poor mental healthcare. So the addicts aren't really to blame here. The government, both with the justice system and drug policy, and the pharmaceutical industry are the problems here. Also bad doctors.
  12. I'm considered Y or Millenial, but generations are a spook invented to sell magazines so it doesn't really matter
  13. Steph should be the star of Space Jam 2 Lebron is 2old and is just gonna leave the Cavs again
  14. Assuming it's worth their time and effort when a species that advanced would probably just mine uninhabited planets: We would be reduced to guerilla tactics fairly quickly and even then we'd just be buying time. Our only real chance would be another Galactic Government interfering due to morality or wanting something in return like turning us into cybernetic servants or something. So yeah we'd be kinda fucked regardless unless they were just ecstatic about animal rights or something, since that's essentially what we'd be to them. The parts these movies don't show you is the aftermath when the rest of the fleet shows up, and it turns out the humans have wasted all of the worlds Naval and Air support taking down a scouting vessel. The thing that will help you sleep better is that it probably wouldn't be worth the time or energy to fight insurgencies when they could just go to worlds with creatures even less capable of fighting back, if there was even any wildlife at all.
  15. I would almost be willing to support an extreme dictatorship if they promised to make that an offense punishable by public execution
  17. You should start practicing good OpSec instead of outing yourself and names of others.
  18. people have varying libido levels. It seems like it's actually not uncommon to have little to no sex drive tbh then again it might just be a thing that happens for awhile and in a month you'll wanna fuck everything that moves either way, you do you
  19. Emma Goldman was around pre-First Red Scare in the early 1900s and got swept up in something called the Anarchist Exclusion Act. Essentially that was more or less when Socialism and Anarchism stopped gaining much real traction in the US
  20. That's what you get for being alumni
  21. jokes on him, I took the firing pin out!
  22. let us see the booty
  23. Is this a common occurrence in Atlantic City? Also take it to rants
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