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Everything posted by KreiaDidNothingWrong

  1. nothin just whatever you decide it is that means if you wanna make ass wine that's awesome and you should
  2. Hey it's CIA stop tearing up my plane
  4. Did you beat any of them up? Because it sounds like a fun way to pass the time.
  5. that's just a fucking taquito or if it's soft it's just a fucking burrito what the fuck
  6. That's actually a good goal. I hope you get them somewhere decent if where you live is shitty.
  7. God I wish MC Eiht posted on this board
  8. "cuteness is a spook" - Max Stirner
  9. wow it my birthday u jerk
  10. omg conrad nabraniel I'm glad you're still around
  11. pffft rude like I'm not the GAYEST motherfucker here
  12. yea but it's obvious they'd had relationship problems since before Red Nurse even came out if you watch live performances of Unmade Bed There's a Conan one where Thurston's voice cracks and he seems like he's going to break down and Kim is clearly uncomfortable, and that wasn't their last album. Serial Cheater detected.
  13. Good, he's a jerk because he broke up Sonic Youth
  14. promotion is spooky ZOMBO.COM IS NOW A MUTUALIST CO-OP
  15. hahaha you think I have limits? hahaha you think I'm a normal leftist? I've read Stirner
  16. absolutely. I'm like a not successful Thurston Moore except I wouldn't cheat on Kim Gordon
  17. I play shows without hearing protection I play shoegaze and noise without hearing protection
  19. Get it
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