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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Santanico Pandemonium.
  2. McDonald's is advertising that they have PSLs and they taste exactly like you think a PSL from McDonald's would taste like.
  3. Is this thread about Kato Kaelin's former roommate?
  4. Remember, he only misspelled "potato." Don Jr. posted emails of him communicating with Russians on Twitter to get dirt on Hillary. Don Sr. committed treason in asking for Russia to drop dirt on Hillary on a televised debate. That one official in Georgia tried to hide evidence by deleting Trump's voicemail asking him to find votes and left the voicemail in the Deleted Items folder. Dan Quayle being the smart one isn't that hard to believe.
  5. That's the entire south. Probably not due to radiation, but rather inbreeding.
  6. I was telling a friend about the Donkey Lady in San Antonio, and he mentioned that the town south of mine has a Goat Man Bridge somewhere and I'm ready to go find it.
  7. If that's anything like sounding, I'll just stay in the dark.
  8. I've been feeling restless lately and I'm in the mood to go all Fred Jones and explore supposedly haunted places to rip masks off ghosts, so I want to know about people's local urban legends and ghost stories.
  9. It looks like you're wearing a baby and a pupper.
  10. Jackie Chan doesn't poop. His body operates at peak efficiency so the only waste he produces is sweat. The rest is converted into either tricks with ladders or the phrase "I don't want no trouble."
  11. It's probably midlife brain shit. Just a wave of nostalgia and thinking "what if" and all that goes with it. This past summer my midlife brain shit had me travel four hours back to the town I lived in when I graduated high school just to go to the little barbecue restaurant for a giant stuffed baked potato. It was a damn good potato, though.
  12. To dream about your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or ex-husband/wife, that you and your ex are kissing/fighting or that you and your ex got back together again suggests that something or someone in your current life is bringing out similar feelings you felt during that relationship with your ex. The dream may be a way of alerting you to similar behavioral patterns in your current relationship. What you learn from that previous relationship may need to be applied to the present one so that you do no repeat the same mistakes. Alternatively, you may be reflecting on the positive experiences and good times that you shared with your past love. Dreams of getting back together with your ex or of your ex wanting to get back together with you may not necessarily be a reflection of reality. This dream may be triggered by some major change in your current relationship and how far you have come from those past relationships.
  13. ITT: nazi supports insane facist who caused a terrorist attack on the U.S. Capitol starting nuclear war "to own the libs"
  15. I think it was in Black and White or B&W2 that they canonically answered that. The bad guy team was basically PETA and argued against pokeballs, saying they were mind control for the captured monsters. They stole a kid's Purrloin, and when one of the characters found it to rescue it, it had since evolved into Liepard and attacked the character. Something like that, anyway.
  16. Imagine pokemon RIGHT BEFORE the pokeball and PC Pokesystem were invented. You have an old Houndoom that you had raised from a pup. 15 years of memories of your poke-dog, and then he dies of old age. You mourn and bury him, and the next day they introduce the pokeball. Turn your pets into data. If it gets sick, you can have the data reset to a point where it's healthy again. Your pets can now attain immortality. Do you buy a pokeball and try to capture your dead dog and see if they can restore him to life? Some hardcore Frankenstein shit can go down.
  17. It's pretty heavy.
  18. I saw an announcement a few weeks back. They've hired a lot of YouTubers to host shows too, like the Completionist and Lucahjin. Gives me a nice warm nostalgia buzz to see G4 content focused on video games again.
  19. Play at 1.25 speed for a good time.
  20. Moon Moon!
  21. Hide and Seek Alone. I read a creepy pasta describing it a few years back. It just seems like a lot of work though. I prefer the Three King's Game, as it involves dark rooms and mirrors. Throwback to the old days. Had to walk 15 miles through the snow uphill both ways to play Bloody Mary.
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