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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Confound the lousy toll
  2. That escalated quickly
  3. I haven't, but I've been tempted to. For the most part, I've only met with judges and mayor bids in line for voting. Last year, two of the judges families showed up for support.
  4. Destroy Pizza Hut for ruining one of my birthday parties.
  5. This game just came out recently. Has anyone played it yet? There's an exploit where you can reroll on character summons in case you get screwed over with a party of 3's and 4's if you delete your data and restart the game. I've spent forever rerolling until I finally got a 5 star Lucina, but the rest of the party is a sausagefest so I don't have any good mages or healers >( . At the very least, Lucina's bound to be a tank until I can get enough orbs to summon more. Anyone get some great luck so far, and are you enjoying the game?
  6. Those VH1 shows always aimed to gather women who had absolutely no standards to fight for the affection of Brett Michaels or Flavor Flav. I'm sure kissing any of them on the lips would be considered a challenge on Fear Factor.
  7. Resident Evil. They decided to throw out almost everything out of the games in favor of making Underworld a thousand times over, but with Umbrella Corp's mutations instead of werewolves. The Uwe Boll stuff too, but that's cheating because all of his video game movies are bad.
  8. La La Land: 6/10 Can understand why people like it because it doesn't deny it's love for old fashioned movie musicals, but it was pretty shallow, couldn't get invested in the characters, the few songs and musical segments in there weren't on-par with some of the more high quality movie musicals (especially the whisper-singing), the story outside of the music didn't give me any incentive to feel much from it, and alot of it looked and felt artificial.
  9. That's not true, the trailer excluded the best part.
  10. Chapinator_X


    A Seminole Gator household is always complicated, especially when both teams are playing against each other.
  11. Blue Velvet
  12. It fits the autistic vision of the boards
  13. I can agree with this even though XII is alot better in hindsight and XV looks solid. Also, I can't say that I-III are as enjoyable as the Final Fantasy games after it.
  14. And what if I eat Trix as an elderly man? Is it punishable by law?
  15. People wanted it and I haven't seen the movie, but I'd feel bad if I didn't try to add more posts here to make it somewhat lively here, so what'dja think of it? Did you like Kevin Smith's other horror films like Red State? Dogma kinda counts too cause of the demons. So Tusk?
  16. Those bowl shaped Tostitos that can scoop up a ton of salsa or queso
  17. https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--ppDn9WeY--/c_fill,fl_progressive,g_center,h_450,q_80,w_800/cviyjpgnhx1cwc4vaxj5.png[/img]
  18. I thought there was something in my coffee for a second
  19. I think I've seen this story with Nicholas Cage as the famous guy instead.
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