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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I'm pretty sure we had a stack of CDs like Pure Moods growing up. At the time, the older women of the family were heavily invested in stuff like this, Celtic CDs, and Riverdance.
  2. Chapinator_X


    I thought this would be about Lady Gaga's 2011 classic
  3. There goes the filmmaker with smut, like all gays, Degenerate, how can you tell? Jacking on my cousin's face, To secure the whitest race, In this bumble-fuck provincial living hell
  4. I used to buy DVDs and merch, and had a CR subscription. It's been a while; some of it is cause I'm broke for the time being, and some of it is cause I don't have much I want to throw down on. I'd get more KLK DVD's if Aniplex wasn't the absolute worst. If they start releasing physical LWA or Osomatsu DVDs/merch to the states or if JoJo Part 4 gets a dub, then my wallet's in trouble. Otherwise, I try to go for weeaboo video games or anime I find at the thrift store at the moment. Edit: I've got Netflix/Amazon subscriptions if that counts.
  5. It is a very lazy way to try and get brownie points. It's even worse because their "progressive", "ground-breaking" gay character is the main asshole's friend who is, by proxy, also an asshole. I guess they'll try to use Josh Gadd's charm to redeem Lefou as a character, but it's very counterproductive when the only people who'd appreciate it don't know any better. Social liberals would be frustrated that Hollywood's idea of mainstream LGBT representation has come down to patting themselves on the back by making ambiguously gay sidekicks & antagonists more overtly gay, and the corporate side of Hollywood genuinely couldn't care less about gay people feel except go by the assumption that any representation is good representation. This is stuff The Celluloid Closet talked over 20 years ago. Meanwhile, social conservatives would either say they're jamming the gay agenda down everyone's throat with the pandering, or, if you're in a fringe group, cling onto a throwaway line about same sex affection as a reason to picket the movie for attempting to teach kids how to have gay sex.
  6. It would be the mode in which your character's weapon is replaced with a briefcase that fires out reports, and their standard combat uniform is a suit & tie with a stain on the shirt from that BBQ place that Tammy from corporate recommended for lunch break.
  7. I enjoyed The Sixth Sense more from Shyamalan
  8. I was about to say I used to type out 20 pages in about 10 hours for grad school finals, but handwriting it is another story.
  9. CS188's "Gaston Pleasures Himself to the Sound of His Own Voice" came to mind when I was thinking of how this wasn't the first time I've seen Lefou as a gay character.
  10. No one indulges in their best friend's lustful gaze like Gaston.
  11. That's the same Metacritic score as GTA IV. BotW looks like it'll be amazing and Zelda games are always high quality, but review scores within the first couple days of playing are often much more flowery than the retrospective where people stack it up to other games in the series.
  12. I don't remember anything bad happening to the site while Dumpster Fires was open. Things were relatively controlled. It feels like it was taken away the same reason they merged Rants with Babbling; artistic vision.
  13. It seems obsolete when I can find higher quality Mass Effect porn with XNALara or SFM models
  14. I remember one of my old highschool friends got the anime club to play this every week until we got 16 episodes into it. It wasn't good, but at least we got some nice Erza Scarlett hentai out of it.
  15. "Coffee beans" is code for something you may or may not want depending on your level of depravity.
  16. OKC wasn't around back then, so you'd have even less of a chance
  17. The build up to Feud and everything that's come out about it gives me a newly found appreciation for Bette Davis and her sick burns.
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