It is a very lazy way to try and get brownie points. It's even worse because their "progressive", "ground-breaking" gay character is the main asshole's friend who is, by proxy, also an asshole. I guess they'll try to use Josh Gadd's charm to redeem Lefou as a character, but it's very counterproductive when the only people who'd appreciate it don't know any better.
Social liberals would be frustrated that Hollywood's idea of mainstream LGBT representation has come down to patting themselves on the back by making ambiguously gay sidekicks & antagonists more overtly gay, and the corporate side of Hollywood genuinely couldn't care less about gay people feel except go by the assumption that any representation is good representation. This is stuff The Celluloid Closet talked over 20 years ago.
Meanwhile, social conservatives would either say they're jamming the gay agenda down everyone's throat with the pandering, or, if you're in a fringe group, cling onto a throwaway line about same sex affection as a reason to picket the movie for attempting to teach kids how to have gay sex.