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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Ordering plain coffee or tea is easy, but when it comes to their expensive fancy drinks, that's where some people want to specify how they want it made. For the most part, it's specifics like what the sweetener is, what kind of milk to use, shots of flavored syrups, stuff like that. It's something people commit to, but there's no need when I'm just feeling like black coffee or tea whenever I go to Starbucks. They probably appreciate not having such a long order to make too.
  2. I clicked in thinking someone added an SNES emulator to the board, but it just ended up being phone game stuff. I'm about to tear it up in the quiz section though.
  3. They're conjoined twins that were on Oprah. That's why I'm trying to figure out how that would work.
  4. I'd make it a playlist
  5. Oh no, I googled their names, not the porn.
  6. I had to google who these people are. Now, I'm trying to figure out how this works.
  7. It's been a while since I've seen more than one arcade machine, but I was ecstatic when I found out a wing place by me has X-Men vs. Street Fighter.
  8. Mas de NUEVE MIL!
  9. Gill has had a significant influence on the electoral college, the results of the past 20 Super Bowls, and the music of Jay-Z. Brexit was a calculated effort to reduce the power of the Bison Dollar from 5 pounds to 1. Blanka's appearance comes from years of abusing krokodil.
  10. It's a shame because they aired during the only good years of Adult Swim anime.
  11. I didn't even think of this thread when I saw the news, but now I'm laughing hard about the idea that this thread ended up being more relevant than I thought. If the season is titled Inauguration, I'm gonna go insane.
  12. That's a name I haven't heard in forever. I just remember Nichijou being the most high profile casualty of the Bandai closure alongside the unreleased Gundams and the license to Geass. From what I remember of Gosick, I remember there was a teacher named Cecile that was attractive, and Victorique had some good chemistry with the main dude. I think of the detective shows back then, Un-Go left a longer impression.
  13. It happens to me only when I forget to tell someone something. I'll lay in bed and then think "Oh shit, I needed to let them know this," but everyone's asleep and if I make a note in my phone, I'll just spend the next hour on my phone. I end up crossing my fingers, hoping that I can remind myself of what I needed to tell them in the morning without forgetting
  14. Bob is the only character on the show that didn't get on my nerves. Some episodes would have the characters being bearable, but almost every episode took maybe 2 minutes for me to hate the entire family. Like the typical premise would be that Bob would talk about how he has to do something for an event, when suddenly, Linda wants to take over the project by proposing a stupid idea and then forces everyone to go along with it after bitching everyone out about what's good for the faaaaamly. As Linda hijacks the plot against Bob's will, Gene would have a non-sequitur about a pet project he's had that never went anywhere, Tina would probably bring up molesting people or making moves on Jimmy Jr., and Louise would ruin everything with her Stewie 2.0 B-plot of sabotaging everything because everyone loves the little scamps, don't they? It used to be something I'd keep on in the background on Netflix, but I just couldn't anymore after the Christmas Tree episode.
  15. When your show costs a handful of pennies to make and is aired nonstop, there's an influx of cash in their budget to afford crank & coke.
  16. My Valentine's festivities were last Saturday. This Tuesday's festivities will focus on drinking heavily into the night
  17. I couldn't beat the Narcian challenge just yet. All my red heroes are too underleveled for axemen and my newest 5 star is Camilla so that's two green and a blue that are 5's.
  18. Dude wussed out by cutting it with a plastic knife instead just folding the heart shape into a giant pizza mass. Presliced is for the weak.
  19. Hendricks is nice, but it's way too expensive. I have to scale down alot to scratch that itch
  20. Chapinator_X


  21. For someone who took extreme measures to make sure his music and vault of unreleased goodies were militantly guarded, he sure dropped the ball when it came to writing a will that would have continued to place a lock on his catalog. Maybe he thought that once he was gone, he wouldn't have any further need to police his catalog. Maybe he thought his family/estate could use the money made from a wider release of his music to cover taxes & debt. Maybe he thought he wouldn't need to write a will until the time came where he felt like he didn't have much longer left. Maybe it was a Jehovah thing.
  22. "We gotta Samsung Galaxy the families, folks"
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