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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I almost always refrigerate my condiments, but sometimes I end up slipping up by putting watery condiments like soy sauce and cooking wine in the cabinet. I've been better about it lately, but I still have some of that stuff in the cabinets.
  2. How can I resist a show that could potentially become a trainwreck? For a second though, I thought that this was an adaptation of the Scumbag Loser horror manga.
  3. Rebecca...
  4. She also has the proper hygiene to give herself the 10 second tidy.
  5. Once in a while cause it feels nice, but I would rather shower because I can focus on getting clean without waiting to draw all the water, and it's awkward to get clean in a tub. Putting on shower gel and shampoo/conditioner is one thing, but then it feels counterproductive to get clean with my ass and balls soaking in the water. Then I put effort to get clean only to feel dirty again cause of all the dirty suds everywhere.
  6. They have a USB port, but it doesn't work if you just plug the charger cord in. They want you to buy an adapter that plugs into the USB ports and buy the charger cord that fits into their adapter so that you can listen to your music on their terms.
  7. Detroit Sex Pistons
  8. Paul W. S. Anderson is a lucky dude. Gets to pump out a thousand RE movies where the main badass of the series is the actress he bangs every night.
  9. Chapinator_X


    But none of these neckbeards ever played it with their teeth or set their axe of fire O0
  10. I finished watching a playthrough of 7 and it looks like a solid game. Alot of people love 4, unless you are nitpicky about the action horror that the game was going for. 5 is in the same vein, and alot of people dog on it for not bringing much to the table, but I enjoyed 5 alot. 6 was ass though.
  11. My bass doesn't go high enough and Hyundai scams it's customers into buying an adapter to hook up their phones to play Spotify, but the sound is nice once it's all set up.
  12. Chapinator_X


    Only if it's a buddy cop movie with Bill Cosby as Leonard Part 6
  13. On a hungry day, I could probably clear through 50 with shame. Theres just a threshold I have where where I know enough is enough, and that if I go over a general limit, sure I'll feel fuller than I would with restraint, but it'll be full of garbage. I'd have to be in a fuck-it-all mood to go any further.
  14. Looking through some local menus, I see lettuce more than cabbage, but they usually throw it on stuff like Alaska or Boston rolls. That's why lettuce didn't throw me off as much as celery even though lettuce still doesn't sound appealing. Celery, I can't imagine that going well with anything that goes inside a sushI roll. Even some fruit would fare better than that.
  15. It's the big money YouTube LPers like Jackseptictank or Pewdipie that are the absolute worst. Markiplier was alright, but he got too into reaction videos and Five Nights at Freddy's spam, and that shit is the only thing that shows up on YouTube nowadays aside from Minecraft and League of Legends bs.
  16. The chef has to be a stoner to think celery and lettuce would be good for sushi. Cream cheese is sacrilege enough as it is, but at least it's a staple for the crowd who thinks water is too spicy. Celery and lettuce sound like a disaster in a sushi roll. In all honesty, it's the celery that really throws me off from this whole thing. Lettuce can work on those trendy rice paper rolls (not sushi, mind you, but they sell it on that menu anyway), but there isn't a universe or alternate universe where celery on sushi doesn't sound disgusting.
  17. I'd actually be lying if I said I tried more bottom shelf beer than a Bud Light and PBR. There might be some I missed, but I'm too snobbish to drink bottom shelf beer outside of parties or general curiosity. Bottom shelf liquor, however, I've played with.
  18. To anyone who has the game, what's your take on it so far? I've only been watching a walkthrough, but it looks interesting with the new mechanics and interface to stand out from the older games. Looks like it'd be frustrating to play though.
  19. It's miserable, but it gets the job done for a cheap, disgusting buzz.
  20. I think the closest to that was Ju-On and the original Elm Street when Freddy's arms extend out in the shadows.
  21. Perfect Blue on an ancient tube TV is my aesthetic
  22. Has anyone seen it? And if so, did they leave any room for a sequel called The Poo Poo Pee Pee Man: The Curse of the Bathroom Bam-Bam? Was the popcorn at least worth it?
  23. He would have a conversation with Alex Jones about television brainwashing people with the gay
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