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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I've been trying to find the Seann William Scott episode because I remember seeing his years ago and it was just a very dingy apartment where everything looked beat up. I know Redman's is also memorable for the same reasons
  2. Jason Biggs has put his dick in it?
  3. I think I have all the files I need, but I just need to sit down at some point to get it all together and file them
  4. Anything I look for to fap to in 3D, I fap to twice as hard if it's in hentai form. They just do more justice to waki and ashi.
  5. I vaguely remember it, but that's lame. It makes sense as a decision though since rewriting fan fiction into an original story is an instant moneymaker. At least the internet can still have the Lavender Town creepypasta
  6. The penis in futa is the main attraction. All that art is 20% woman and 80% horsedick. Like what you like, but some people on the internet that like futa enjoy fronting about being all about the ladies or shaming gay dudes and transwomen for doing their thing when those futa cocks take up most of the damn screen.
  7. The Nordic countries
  8. Red Data Girl K Glitter Force
  9. I can vouch for Tyrone BP on the schoolgirl kissing anime being the purest form of art. Doki doki suru, indeed. :brownbottle:
  10. Chapinator_X


  11. They wanted to make their own interpretation of AoT with self-insert Japanese characters being more awesome and more technologically advanced than any of the laaaaaaaame characters from the original manga/anime.
  12. Also, all of you chronic masturbators
  13. It's not a surprise since he was always a complete dumbass outside of his Youtube show if you've caught wind of his Twitter handle. Also not surprised that Ethan's playing kissass with him cause he fell off the hardest very quick.
  14. There was a time when dad would want to play Backgammon as a way to talk about how things are going. It was nice, but I need to brush up on the rules. Same thing with chess, though that one has probably been even longer since the last time I've played it. I actually started playing dice after I learned the rules from the 1st Yakuza game, but that's also been years. I think the only game I could get heavily invested in would be blackjack. I've tried to do mahjong on the iphone, but I could never really get the rules because sometimes I get stumped when they don't want me to pair some blocks together.
  15. That's pretty gay, bro
  16. The horrors of freezing and trying to turn the radio on for the weather update only to find that every station was playing the Macarena.
  17. If you had to report someone who fucked Anne Frank to the cops, would you do it?
  18. For Thanksgiving I made one with jalapeno and bacon. It was good, but I needed to adjust the cheese to tweak the recipe.
  19. Is that a live photo or a fantasy drawing?
  20. "These Grindr boys keep promising dates, but they never respond. I should change my birthday from 1997 to 1998 just to even the odds 8)"
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