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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I was hoping to be able to find what they said online, but Funi covered their tracks well. Now I'm not sure whether they just tweeted out a hashtag or burned a rainbow flag, and word-of-mouth isn't going to cut it.
  2. I haven't played the console in person since the 90's when my cousin had one with Zelda, Final Fantasy I, and Metal Gear, and some kid from elementary had the Back to the Future game. I have bought some of the ports of NES games they've made over the years like Ice Climbers, Super Mario Bros, Metroid, and Kid Icarus. I have the last two on my 3DS so I play them the most often.
  3. I knew it'd suck as hard as 2016 by early January
  4. I posted in the "It's a Counterattack: Female Hawtness" thread today
  5. There's also Pokemon Origins. It might be Red and not Ash, but it's the same experience.
  6. That reminds me, I just saw a Christmas tree on someone's lawn early this week while I was on a jog. It just amazes me that some people still leave them up by the beginning of March
  7. How many adaptations of Ash getting Pikachu does there have to be?
  8. I think I left it on the Russian station throughout the playthrough of GTA IV just to roleplay what Niko might have enjoyed listening to as he drove around town, reminding himself of all the keeling. I also listened to the the reggae and hip hop stations. I was never lucky enough to get songs I liked when I turned on the rock and R&B stations cause it felt like the algorithm kept playing the same tracks. VC and SA were definitely had the best radio stations to me.
  9. I remember the San Fierro driving school being mandatory, and the pilot stuff that James Woods made you do. I ignored the turf wars as did the weight stuff, but it's a pain that it makes you have to build up stamina by going to the gym and eating regularly. To be fair, VCS had worse turf wars, but being pulled back to a turf to defend it while you're busy or just want a laid back experience is never fun in most games, and I feel like I'd have to play with cheats to be able to bypass some of the game's headaches.
  10. I still revisit EVA4 Sim Date for the absurdity
  11. The internet needs an archive for Western hentai games from 2004
  12. I'd give Vice City high marks off the virtue that the soundtrack & atmosphere were top notch, but V was one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had with the controls and missions in the series. I liked IV and the tone they went with, but but I feel like V made more improvements and Liberty City wasn't as lively or memorable in my book as Los Santos. San Andreas was good, but there were way too many things that turned me off from the game. They added so many things that pissed me off like the plane/driving school missions, the turf wars, and the weight/muscle system, and had even more annoying missions. The newer games had shades of that too with IV's cellphone and V's stock market, but the stuff that made SA hard to want to play again is much more harder to overlook. It's stuff like that that makes the PS2 games harder to revisit, even Vice City with some of it's annoying missions. IV and V are the only games in the series I would gladly replay the missions from start to finish just off the basis that the controls & scenarios won't make me want to chuck the controller. I just return to VC for the scenery and music. That being said, Sleeping Dogs and Saints Row II take the cake for me as far as sandbox games I dig the most.
  13. CubeĀ³ would be a fitting title
  14. Or use a knife
  15. I was just about to say that looks like a stock photo
  16. You're off by a day
  17. The 90's
  18. To me, Shadow Yukiko was the biggest pain because it was still early in the game where it was tricky to get good Persona for the fight. The enemies in Bad Bad Bathhouse were also very bad despite Kanji being relatively easy.
  19. Shadow Chie was the most fuckable of the shadow bosses
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