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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Inaugural Celebration Hot n' Spicy Michelada INGREDIENTS 1 glass 8 ounces of water INSTRUCTIONS 1. Get your glass ready. 2. Twist the nozzle on your kitchen faucet to draw water from the tap. 3. Extend your glass into the stream of water so you can gather the spicy goodness. (Editor's Note: To make it more mild, add less water.) 4. Put a paper umbrella on it for tropical flair. 5. Tweet to your friends how you love Mexico.
  2. Gabriel Dropout 3
  3. "A dog's purpose is to GET IN THE FUCKING WATER!!!!" http://www.cnn.com/2017/01/18/entertainment/a-dogs-purpose-disturbing-video/index.html
  4. Demi-chan 3 Little Witch Academia 2 Kobayashi 1-2
  5. She was the first member of the Ritsuko Fanclub.
  6. A long time ago, I thought Maya was nice. I think as time went on I realized how underrated Hikari was in the grand scheme of things. Wish Sumire had better development in 3.0 cause they just introduced her, but left her and some of the other people onboard that ship with nothing to do.
  7. It's a tough choice. First it was Asuka, then later on, I went with Rei. Now both sounds like a good option. If I were to be honest, I've seen some good stuff with an Asuka/Hikari power duo.
  8. I did AP American Government and a couple honors courses (Anatomy, English, American History). Had to look through old report cards to remember all this, but I did well with English and Social Studies material. Could've gotten further into science because my Physics teacher really wanted me to get into advanced Earth Science and I did much better in Chemistry than my math courses, but I had too much senioritis to pursue anything further.
  9. Chapinator_X


    Now just to get Kevin Bacon to do porn
  10. Oh, I forgot Indivisible. Lab Zero did good with Squigly and Eliza for Skullgirls so I threw down on Indivisible as well.
  11. I am Thoroughly Troubled by the Realization that I Keep Sleepwalking into My School's Secret Dogfighting Ring! My Habits Have Become Increasingly Conflicting as My Addiction to Crank Has Lead Me to a Life of Hiding from the Japanese Mafia with Highschool Girls! There is No Way I Could Become a Highschool Teacher to Drink Water from the Women's Toilets, but That Won't Stop Me from Trying!!! Does it Sound Bad that I am Aroused by the Idea of Becoming My Little Sister after the Revelation that She has Multiple Sugardaddies? No Matter What You Say, I Think That a Salaryman Giving Small Girls Kancho on Subway Trains is Absolutely Normal!! How Do I Tell My Big Brother that I'm Pregnant and He's the Father!? My Conflicting Feelings Over Whether to Introduce My Stepmother to My Erotic Best Friend to Get Her to Shut Up About My Laundry Continue to Grow! I Wandered Aimlessly into Kadokawa and Found Out Through Purely Coincidence that Fall Out Boy Runs the Light Novel Industry!
  12. I have the Seaside iPhone tune for the ringtone, but my text tone is the "brru brru" sound Big Sean makes in "I Don't Fuck with You"
  13. Chapinator_X


    At the very least, it shows that we're not as divided a nation if only 37% would still let Trump shoot them on 5th Avenue
  14. I need to revisit that series. It had its ups and downs, but I liked the concept and the Urabe's voice was very cute. Too bad she doesn't do too much anime as a predominantly live action actress.
  15. Either Ren & Stimpy, Rugrats, or All That. Dexters Lab and PPG were close too.
  16. I was 20 and had two first times; one where I topped a guy and another with a girl. Both times were in campus dormrooms, but both times could've been better since I was relatively unfamiliar with sex, and I had alot of miseducaton, paranoia, and ignorance of how sex works outside of whatever I was watching in porn or learned from abstinence education. Regardless, I can say that my college years were a very unusual time.
  17. For daily, it's just coffee or tea, but I often go for ibuprofen and booze enough to include it on the list.
  18. 40 kg copper, 25 kg of zinc, 15 kg of nickel, 5 kg of ice that keeps my cool, and 97 kg of spite.
  19. It was originally named "2017 Inauguration". It was a joke that the inauguration was so scary that Ryan Murphy directed it as an AHS TV special (the lead and soundtrack being Trump and Three Doors Down). Then it got removed and renamed AHS on the condition that it was an AHS thread, but I said it never started out as an AHS thread and would only trick people if it stayed. Then she removed it again after the misunderstanding, but then someone else brought it back again thinking it was an AHS topic. I like to troll, but even I'm a bit stumped as to how this all happened.
  20. More places to post nothing in or throw funny posts in the dumpster fire
  21. They brought my Inauguration post back to Horror, but then renamed it American Horror Story out of the assumption it was about AHS when it was about the Inauguration. The renaming was silly too because now it's just misleading. There was never any harm in keeping the threads in there, cause honestly, what straight-to-DVD horror films are coming out from now til October? Also, who needs a separate folder just to talk about The Bye Bye Man?
  22. I kept playing around with what I wanted in the sig. I was going for something trollish like either more laughing anime girls or foot fetish art. The sig restrictions made me give up those plans and I just rolled with this FFVIII one I initially used as an avatar at the Thunderdome. There's been other, better incarnations of the photo (including a drawing of how PS1 graphic Squall's head would look like in reality), but this'll do. -_'
  23. I know who won't be fucked: The neckbeards who keep getting rejected because no birth control options means running a higher risk of carrying their inferior mutant babies, and no one is desperate enough to bite that bullet.
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