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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. I need to get the game and a better potato to run the game on.
  2. Just discovered a new fetish today
  3. I remember putting up with the Bount arc because I was still immersed in the Bleach fandom and figured "eh, it is filler so it's just fluff to pad time before we get to the good stuff". And then the payoff was the Arrancar arc that became on-par with filler quality as soon as they got to Hueco Mundo. The vizards were nice, but didn't show up for a while all the while we were given the Peche & Dondachakka Show or the Rescue arc retreads. I do remember some of the first chapters of the Lost Shinigami arc, but the only lasting impression I got from it was wanting to see more of Ikumi and the part time job Ichigo had with her, and I wanted to check in on what everyone looked like after the timeskip. I remember Riruka existing, but not much else cause I think I tuned out around when Ichigo keeps getting the invitation. If I opened up to it, I could've watched that arc well, but I didn't like anything I heard about the Quincy War chapters. Shonen Jump had gotten very odd. They keep putting pressure on popular series' to continue to try to find that next One Piece, but it seems like alot of them can't keep it up. The one nice thing about Bleach's longevity is that he had good material for a much longer duration of time than alot of the other SJ titles that would decline in quality after the first year or so. It's kind of mindblowing now that I'm looking it up and Kubo had a good four years in from the beginning to the end of the Soul Society arc.
  4. Some observations: - Williem Dafoe's Ryuk is definitely giving off some Green Goblin vibes. - Light's Milo Yiannopoulos hair looks awful. The actor himself has normal brown hair like Yagami. They could've let him not dye his hair and swoop it all over the place. - I don't remember a Final Destination ferris wheel destruction escape in the original. - I am actually looking forward to seeing Darius as L cause he and Defoe could be the few actors that are able to capture their character's personalities well. - Misa's looking less like a pop star and more like The New Americana I'll watch it just to see how they do it, but I imagine it will be terrible.
  5. I was very obsessed with the series when it first came on. After the Soul Society stuff, I was still on-board (even during the Bount arc slogfest), but my interest started waning when they went to Hueco Mundo to just do the same rescue mission as the last arc, but with a different princess in a different castle. I think I only saw an episode or two of the timeskip material and kept up with the spoilers until the end. I guess that's why I've been hard on Bleach; it had so much potential, but only lived up to it for a couple arcs before Kubo shat it all away. I guess the silverlining was that there were some great boobs along the way, and I'm glad that Ichigo ended up with Orihime.
  6. I see NodeBB is doing well as the internet's finest gravediggers. expii looks like it's gonna be nextpii.
  7. The only thing that get killed in Teen Titans Go are the audience's brain cells.
  8. Didn't Disney just make millions of dollars from a Beauty & The Beast remake that retained all the characters, music, and tone of the original movie? You'd think Disney would have learned, but the more I hear about the live action Mulan, the more it sounds like they're gutting the soul of the film.
  9. Girls smelling each other after karate
  10. Live life like it's just another day in hell. Eat crappy food, listen to crappy music, turn the heater up on a summer afternoon. If there's an afterlife where everyone gets eternal punishment, it'll feel like nothing after the training. If there isn't an afterlife, it'll be a relief to finally get some good sleep for once.
  11. I was gonna be the dick that says Jason, but I think Child's Play was a much worse horror franchise that got big. I agree with Slither though as a very dumb movie that people paraded around because James Gunn was a quirky new face to films. The same thing with Cabin Fever, but at least Gunn went on to make good films unlike Eli Roth who used his bad film as a launchpad to make worse films.
  12. Unless they get some more creative talent before their good shows finish, it'll just be CN using the Self-Cutting Magisword as they air Teen Titans Go from dawn til dusk.
  13. Remember when pop albums from the 90's had interactive software that gave you access to exclusive photos, videos, and tour footage when you put them in the CD-ROM drive?
  14. Mojo chicken breast and Cuban-style cauliflower rice for the week
  15. Chapinator_X


    I have to be in the mood to watch movies sometimes, and I've never seen those movies before even though they're legendary in their badness so I gotta make the experience worthwhile and not just some random time when I'm bored.
  16. I enjoyed what Skyward Sword brought to the table in its story, characters, gameplay, and artstyle. The only thing that ruined it for me is how vacant everything felt once the world opened up. Large patches of sky between floating dungeons and small islands made the game feel much smaller and less exciting to navigate around compared to exploring Hyrule in ALTTP and OoT or going on an expedition across the sea in WW.
  17. EA is what went wrong. They've always been this bad since the DLC/patch update era. They would cut corners and overlook some obvious flaws to push for a closer release. If the issues are obvious, they either drop support for a game if it's not popular enough, fix it only after everyone gets pissed at them and their game's credibility is completely gone, or charge extra for something that could alleviate solutions to these issues. Same problem with other AAA developers like Ubisoft and Bethesda whose big budget games are released with glitches and graphical hiccups everywhere.
  18. 6-7 hours of sleep. 8 on a good day, but it's been a while.
  19. Chapinator_X


    I'm saving the episodes on Manos and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians for when I'm feeling up to it.
  20. Chapinator_X


    We have permits that let you keep any monkey you want as a pet except for baboons and great apes as long as you adhere to state regulations. I have, however, seen the Oprah special on the woman attacked by her pet chimpanzee so owning that kind of exotic pet sounds like a terrible idea.
  21. If the FBI guy took the bribe, he'd not only have betrayed his sense of justice and his duty as part of the FBI, but would risk being thrown under the bus anytime, get thrown in jail with the rest of Belfort's crew once their luck ran out, and have less of a chance to recover as a crooked FBI agent than Belfort whose crookedness got him a Scorcese movie based off his memoir. Because he didn't take the bribe and incriminated Belfort, he still did his job and has both a major accomplishment under his belt and his moral compass. The only con is that he lost out on a ton of bribe money, and the juxtaposition between a good person traveling on a subway and an awful person on a bus to a luxury prison does sting a little. The real FBI guy has no regrets about arresting him, but on a narrative level, the audience is supposed to feel that sting from the good guy not being celebrated or rewarded as heavily for his deeds than Belfort. Every way you look at it, you lose
  22. It's timed with these lyrics from the Lemonheads cover of "Mrs. Robinson": "Laugh about it, shout about it When you've got to choose Every way you look at it, you lose" Essentially, he locked up the rich asshole banker, but that guy is still going to live out a relatively cushy sentence and cushy lifestyle after prison. Meanwhile, the FBI agent, in doing the right thing, is stuck on the subway just like everyone else, still in the same economic position. He wasn't crooked enough to take Leonardo's dirty money on the down low to help him avoid jail, but being crooked is what got Leonardo so much money and privilege. It's either do the right thing with little reward, or do the wrong things and reap the benefits of a society that rewards the special kinds of assholes.
  23. Pine, wood, fruit, and spices.
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