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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Someone downvoted me with alts once for making a thread to talk about Part IV of JoJo
  2. I like how there's no campaign to move this to Rants even though it's a news story and we've already seen the true colors of OP's intention
  3. Chapinator_X


    Going to the movie theater for the sole purpose of dumping gallons of neon liquid butter on a small bag of popcorn
  4. The actors were decent, but I couldn't remember anything about Rachel aside from the fact that she was forgettable enough for Katie Holmes to be replaced in the 2nd movie without anyone feeling like someone was missing. The third act was also not so good, but it was a good start.
  5. Looks like the Zodiac Killer's taste for murder extends to both people AND fun.
  6. It feels better to think that cats & dogs would be upset when I mislabel them as punishment for biting me mid-pet
  7. She makes a good, valid point
  8. Chapinator_X


    Imagine if a car alarm was a musical instrument.
  9. Eurodance DDR music
  10. The tteokbokki didn't come out good when I tried to make it at the house, but that's probably because I tried to zazz it up by stirring it in with bulgogi sauce instead of the spicy or cream sauces that it usually goes better with, and I couldn't be sure what was the best boiling point for them. I have to go to that specific restaurant for the softer ones. The Korean market/restaurants by me a little closer than that, but because they're 20 minutes compared to a regular supermarket, I have to be strategic and come with enough money and a shopping list to come home with what I'd need so I won't have to drive near such a heavy traffic location that's difficult to get in and out of constantly. It's more of a special place to hit up when I have some free time or have to pick stuff up to cook for a special occasion. I get thrown off by what is soju because they don't clarify which is which very well on the shelves. I'm able to identify the sake and fruit wine well, but they tend to have several varieties of rice/grain wines that I can only assume may or may not be soju. It might be easier to identify if I could read Korean, but because I can only grasp onto English and some Japanese, I can only guesstimate. There's the TyKu one at Total Wine, but their forte was always overpriced sake.
  11. Also, hiring foot escorts
  12. I've made some ground turkey with bulgogi marinade that went into lettuce wraps, but I'd imagine it'd be great in a taco. The Korean market around me is a little further away, but it's worth it because they've got a ton of restaurants in the area including a bar with Korean bar-food and experimental tapas. I need to drop by for a visit for some tukbokki, bulgogi ramen nachos, or whatever they made special since the last time I've been. Bulgogi tacos sound like they'd be amazing though, especially if they have diced kimchi. The Italian tacos sound like they'd be great as well. Wonder if mixing sausage into the taco beef would be a good addition, but maybe the herbs kick it up enough as is. I can't do sour cream on tacos. I don't heavily dislike sour cream itself, but for some reason I just don't like putting it on food that people like it on like potatoes or tacos. I usually aim to make tacos spicy and just drink water if I need to cool down.
  13. I saw the title on Netflix and I couldn't, just because they're either blissfully unaware about what the words loli and lolicon mean, or they're all too aware of lolis and lolicon and they're trying to slip shit past the radar.
  14. Pizza Butt Taco Hell DomiNO's
  15. Waki Onigiri
  16. Drinking coffee on the toilet while reflecting on the cruelty of businesses that don't even let you know if you failed the interview
  17. I'd hope not
  18. The urinals that don't auto flush are some caveman shit that I refuse to play with
  19. The pop music from that decade is good for nostalgia, but some of my favorite music is rock and rap from the 90's. Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness is high up on there
  20. That was the premise of Brad Paisley & LL Cool J's "Accidental Racist"
  21. It's the only socially acceptable terrorist flag to keep on the front porch.
  22. I assume they figured that audiences would feel betrayed if they Instead, now the audience feels betrayed that they changed what was the most iconic part of the series. I guess if anything, the anime can be like the La La Land ending for people who are up to date with the manga and let them ponder about what could've happened in a kinder world.
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