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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. True Detective got really weird this season
  2. If there's a way to look up the address from street view or find links of who did the posting once they give you the information they need to have you ovdr, it'd be good to look into it. Otherwise, I can't fault anyone for taking low end jobs. I recently got a 30 day trial with one that gives me very few hours to do a ton of research for small potatoes. Im still looking around, but job hunts are always a miserable slog through people who either act interested or never even give you the courtesy of letting you know how you did.
  3. Hospital food makes a great effort to build up the atmosphere of human suffering. The brilliant minds it takes to run a hospital knew that when they shipped that food over, they wanted to capture a Feng Shui sense of balance within the hospital by serving food that reflects the sensations, moods, colors, and tone of the hospital setting.
  4. No, the worst are the people that hold up the line because they need to make a complicated order and then raise a bitch fit if they're unable to do something. They hold up the line just to prove a point and feel vindicated about being awful.
  5. Higher than a habanero & scotch bonnet, but maybe lower than a ghost pepper.
  6. The Sunshine State that doesn't have the bomb ass hemp beat. The restaurants are actually a little out-of-the-way so it takes a while to get to them, but they're close to eachother and it's nice for a special occasion.
  7. There's alot of amazing Korean restaurants by me. One's a pub, one's a regular family restaurant with a grill, and one is all-you-can-eat. The first one's great because it's very unique and they like to get creative with street food and the second one has high-quality traditional menu items. While the all-you-can-eat grill could have better marinade for their meats, they give you a good amount of meat and sides to put on the table grill.
  8. That's what someone would say if they ignored Megaman because there were no transgender characters to fap to.
  9. I think alot of the pairings were made cause Kishimoto would've felt bad if he made some of the popular characters forever alone. It still doesn't explain who Rock Lee finally scored with, if it was Tenten or if she's single, or how Choji and Karui became acquainted.
  10. Ah nice. Always liked his artstyle and music references. Superpowered firemen is a unique concept that I'm slowly getting used to, but it's starting off good.
  11. There's always Youtube for some anime, like the Gundam shows that are subbed and streamed in HD by Sunrise. I think Daisuki is as charitable as Crunchyroll with its shows.
  12. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2017-03-26/high-school-of-the-dead-manga-creator-daisuke-sato-passes-away-at-52/.113968 Writer and manga creator Daisuke Satō passed away due to ischemic heart disease on March 22. He was 52. His immediate family have already held a funeral service, and his younger sister Yūko Shinmyō was the chief mourner. Satō's works include the High School of the Dead (Highschool of the Dead in Japan) manga with artist Shoji Sato and the Imperial Guards manga with artist Yu Ito. Highschool of the Dead had been effectively on extended hiatus since March 2011, although a new chapter did debut in April 2013. This really sucks to hear. I heard HSotD has been on hiatus for a while, but he helped make 2010 a fun year to keep up with anime. On top of that, heart disease at 52 is rough. Condolences to his family and friends for having to hear the bad news so soon in his life.
  13. Sakura had a deeper tie with Sasuke, Hinata had a deeper tie with Naruto, and Naruto had the deepest tie with Sasuke.
  14. Alls my life I had to fight
  15. We're gonna raise money to fund an army and hunt down those steely eyed insurgents that are greenlighting the Megaman games
  16. Chapinator_X


  17. Childhood was fapping to Sakura. Adulthood is fapping to Hinata.
  18. I'm surprised anime clubs are still airing Fushigi Yuugi. That was one of the shows our anime club president was trying to get everyone to watch a decade ago along with 90's Gundam shows.
  19. Paranormal Activity was bullshit. I remember how people were hyping it up as the scariest movie yet, and how people fled the theater in terror over how scary it was. It took a Spielburg-approved jumpscare tacked on at the end for it to not just be people reacting to noises in their house. At least with The Blair Witch Project, it was released in 1999, so the marketing campaign was focused on the possibility that the three actors might've been missing with very few resources to find out if it's bullshit or not. For PA's marketing, it was heavily reliant on audience cameras showing how scared the audience was from watching the movie, and word of mouth that it is a phenomena because magazine articles said so.
  20. The one silver lining is that it's got Solid Snake as the main guy.
  21. Swim Guardian of the Britney Army
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