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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. What's neat about this chart is that you can tell which misspellings were based on clicking the letter next to the right letter due to one-handing the keyboard (Wbony, Porm, Lesbiam, Stepmon)
  2. The month after The Great Indoors was cancelled too. Great Outdoors Month has no tact.
  3. Heihachi was a shitty dad, but Kazuya ended up carrying on that legacy. Jin is a litte more morally sound, but he's too mopey and screws up in Tekken 6. I've been pulling for Jun to make a comeback as far as the mainline story goes, but they keep having her presence show up in the form of some vaguely present energy force that occasionally stops Jin from doing things against her moral code like killing people out of revenge or jacking off.
  4. I find it interesting how cars from the 80's and 90's don't seem like they're as highly sought out for. The most recent that people get with desired classics are cars from the 70's.
  5. No Felicia or Amaterasu? Eh, I can understand the X-Men exclusion since Marvel's probably trying to push harder for MCU representation, but they could've swapped out Nova with Black Panther, Daredevil, or Loki. They also could've swapped out Firebrand, Nemesis, and Spencer for more exciting Capcom reps like someone from Sengoku Basara, SFV, or RE7. Jedah and Monster Hunter were a good start.
  6. The Brendan Returns (2001)
  7. The first episode was a mess, but hopefully the Wachowskis can make something good of focusing on work outside of Sense8. Hopefully something on par with their older movies.
  8. Happy Birthday
  9. What about Sakura Spirit?
  10. Does he often do this?
  11. I remember them and Gackt
  12. She dated Yamcha.
  13. I played the free weekend on the PC now that I have a laptop that can play it. Just stuck with the training mode though to get a feel for the game. So far, I'm liking how D-Va, Mei, and Pharah play, but the time is over so I'd have to check it out again some time to play it seriously.
  14. Then that only leaves Adult Contemporary radios with Matchbox Twenty
  15. Nah, he probably doesn't wipe
  16. The writers name is Jake from what I found, but not only does the character look like him and is voice by him, but looks older than Blossom and the other students. It also doesn't help that both the writer and character look like the Fogler too.
  17. I knew you were hardcore when you said "totz"
  18. This forum has been lacking in graph charts of wavelengths and tectonic plates connected with Metal Gear references
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