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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. The city gave everyone a recycling bin, so it makes more sense for me to use both bins rather than pile the garbage way too high.
  2. They have a ton scattered about Rule 34 sites. Not as much as Exdeath material, but definitely more than most of the other characters.
  3. Only if I could trade bath salts or fidget spinners as currency
  4. The best thing about it was all the hentai it spawned. The worst thing about it was its story, characters, and existence. The only silver lining was that it was better than the manga, but that's like saying the trash bin in your house is better than the trash bin at Burger King.
  5. I remember many schools I've been to serving that and calling it Mexican pizza. It was better than the pizza bricks they served in elementary, but on par with the regular high school slices. I also remember finding a frozen store-brand equivalent of the Mexican pizza at some point, but I'm not sure where I found it or what obscure brand made it happen.
  6. Chapinator_X


    Get a gun and ransom them right back
  7. Chapinator_X


    This morning, an oil tanker was struck by a passing train. THE GOVERNMENT IS AFTER YOU! BOARD UP YOUR WINDOWS, STOCK UP ON GUN AMMO, BUY BUY BUY!
  8. Doing some crunches/squats, some jogging to music, and eating healthier seems to be the ideal solution. Even if it's an incredibly slow process and the difference might not be entirely visible, the body always appreciates a nice lifestyle. Diet pills seem to either have a placebo effect or actively ruin a person's body/life.
  9. At one point in time, I was willing to trade any of my X/Y Pokemon for a terrible Red Gyarados just for the sake of having one. I had one in my GBC copy of Silver, so it was purely for nostalgia. Totodile also holds that distinction as my starter choice for the game back then.
  10. Writing, blogging, visiting this site, reading articles, and enjoying anime/games/movies.
  11. Mushroom & olive, or just a cheese pizza with basil. Sounds too simple, but it's a good litmus test on a pizza place's quality.
  12. Because it took 460 more sequels before the franchise could even win a Palme d'Or
  13. At this point, everyone is realizing that maybe Caitlyn was really as vapid as the other Kardashian's and Jenner's all along. Her feud with Kris gave the false illusion that she was the only sane one, but nope, no one on that show is free from the shallow vanity that comes with the territory of reality TV rich people.
  14. Looks like its jam packed with activity already
  15. It was Courtney in the ballroom with the candlestick
  16. It's worth it if it means getting a kickass Gyarados out of it. The journey is grueling, but at the end of the day, it is a nice journey. Just make sure you have EXP Share.
  17. Stay strong nii-san
  18. He did alot to live the Muslim Lifestyle.
  19. If she made music before Mariah, would Mariah be considered the ripoff?
  20. It goes hand in hand with crippling depression as a meme. "Just lying in bed with a box of pizza and Netflix, waiting for it all to end, FML". That kind of stuff.
  21. Look, even the girls from OKC showed up
  22. Jebus, everyone is a penor!
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