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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Just sneeze on them. That's what got them in the Tom Cruise one
  2. I liked Tiny Toons as a kid, but Animaniacs definitely aged better. I'd give it to Animaniacs. But Freakazoid was my favorite of the Amblin showa
  3. Naw I could just draw my own with stick figures, or use my imagination.
  4. Writing Anime blogs Playing vidjas Watching and writing about film Brewing/drinking coffee & tea Collecting restaurant menus Fapping Being a family man Wasting my damn time
  5. I'd give it a shot
  6. Or enjoy them all while we still can
  7. When your family makes the worst bananas
  8. These scenes better be in the show.
  9. Chapinator_X


    Which show?
  10. Being John Malkovich By Brakhage: An Anthology Blow Up Seven Samurai Tampopo Good Morning
  11. Where's R1 to quick travel! I do want to try Nier Automata though, mostly because alot of the P5 cast is floating around in the game, but I also hear it's pretty solid.
  12. Come up with new recipehs
  13. Basch lives!
  14. It hasn't ruined too many games for me, but most RPGs have disappointed me quickly within the past decade because they didn't pull me in like Persona games have.
  15. That's how I felt when I first played Persona 4. Right when I finished P4, Final Fantasy XIII had just came out. Not only was P4 better, but XIII felt like dogshit in comparison. With P5, I'll probably play fighting games after my 2nd playthrough so it won't be that bad, but the Persona games have overall made me enjoy AAA gaming alot less because of how little content they have in comparison.
  16. I thought it was the first time they got someone who played Peter Parker and Spiderman accurately. Tobey played Peter alright, but was a bland Spiderman, while Andrew was an ok Spiderman, but a miserable Peter. The direction they gave Homecoming gave Peter time to be smart, but dopey, and gave Spiderman more of a sense of humor. It's hard to top Spiderman 2, but it was way better than the Amazing Spiderman movies.
  17. New Hampshire gets straight to the point. "I want gay porn." Ok, what type of gay porn? "Gay gay porn."
  18. Sometimes you have to improvise with what you have. For instance, one grocery store I went to sold a roll that was just avocado. Like they had extra avocado on hand and figured they might as well push it out to get something on the shelves. I ended up getting it. It was pretty much just avocado and rice, exactly how it looked. At the very least, only cucumber like kappamaki can be refreshing. This was just bland.
  19. Coat the sushi in crushed cheeto dust as a substitute for masago
  20. She would be referred to as "underaged" or "illegal"
  21. Goodnight, Naraku. You hated Inuyasha, Kagome, and his feudal era brats as much as you loved Tatami Galaxy and Shin Megumy Tensei.
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