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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. But would that really hold you back from dating someone 30 years younger?
  2. This video of Matsuoka Shuzo telling me not to give up
  3. Mujaddara Golden Curry, Extra Hot
  4. In a week, paparazzi will snap a photo of Christie lighting a cigarette for an 18 year old relative.
  5. Finally, a sport I actually want to watch!
  6. They're alright, but I feel like the ice cream taiyaki always feels like the bready part is stale cause it has to deal with the ice cream and freezer's moisture. Even after ragging on the floury parts of mochi ice cream in Misaka's thread, I'd say I enjoy the mochi ice cream more for holding the ice cream together. The taiyaki with just the bean paste though is a nice treat to go along with some tea or coffee. A market by me makes bags of them on some weekends.
  7. I think I remember hearing he wanted to make his own version of Curb Your Enthusiam. I also remember hearing that he made a Super Mario Bros. mod where Mario was a penis and the ghosts were vaginas.
  8. "At what age do people say is the right time to put a ring on it?" **Bingbingbing** "14!"
  9. 8==D~~~~~ ( . )( . ) indifference face Rule34
  10. Sam's Club pizza is my go-to if I'm desperate
  11. I guess they wanted it to be like Hatoful with a novel concept and a creepy underlying backstory, but the Grumps have neither the wit nor the originality to pull it off.
  12. If this was the Ryuk movie, then it'd be the best film they could've made. That doesn't change the shittiness of the film's version of Light.
  13. A month or so back, I had this beer in a flight. It was the best one of the bunch. Yes, it's called "To Øl Fuck Art - Winter is Coming"
  14. The dub's pretty good too. I think I remember them keeping Ginko's random Mandarin or keh-heh's she'd pepper into her conversations. Troy Baker also gave Michel a good rockstar persona. It's kinda surreal hearing Tatsuya and Yukki after hearing them as Shido and Takemi in 5, but that's part of the fun of Atlus dubs keeping around some familiar voices. The one thing I'll defend the most is the music. Some people say the old soundtrack is dated, but to me, it's perfect.
  15. Maya's a national treasure with that and Let's Positive Thinking. I played a translation of the Japanese Innocent Sin, so I'm so used to her shouting "CIAO!" at the beginning of fights. That, and Eikichi chewing the scenery with "SAA! EVERYBODAY!" and "So lonnnng". For Eternal Punishment, I've only played English so I'm used to how old the dub is, and how bad that EP's Joker sounds in English. It wasn't until recently where I learned Ulala was Yukiko and Ohya this whole time. 90's anime dubs are also a national treasure.
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