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Everything posted by Chapinator_X

  1. Would Meta enjoy live action Uno Pacu too?
  2. The producer appreciates how it will take as much time for Luffy to become King of the Pirates that it did for the brothers to break out of the fucking prison.
  3. I saw AeHentai and some older cartoon characters and automatically assumed it was 2006-2007, but Lana from Archer would have to bring it to at least 2009
  4. In that case, you might just have to find a side job. Something freelance at the very least. Might have shitty pay, but it'll be useful for building experience and could probably get you some extra lobsters.
  5. You weren't expecting yoga mat crust from DiGiornos?
  6. I can't vouch what you can and can't buy with stamps, so I'm using a fried chicken bucket to emphasize how much more meat you can get out of a large quantity of chicken than a lobster tail or two. For survivablility, it'd be easier to cook alot of chicken into a week's worth of food than try to make a lobster tail last for more than two days. Again, this is assuming that food stamps are chintzy enough to place a limit on exactly how much lobster you can get. This is also assuming that the lobster you can redeem with food stamps are available.
  7. Maybe, but probably not that much if a small tail is worth a bucket of chicken.
  8. I hear Walmart has some good caviar that can be bought with stamps
  9. This is what he looks like today. Feeling old yet?
  10. From Linkin Park's lyrics, it should've been obvious that this would be the trajectory he'd go in, but it's been so long since Hybrid Theory and Meteora that I assumed he was in a good place. I guess if it can happen to Chris Cornell, then it's really hard to avoid a deep depression no matter what money you make, how long you're famous, or what offers you get.
  11. 1. Passing out while I was waiting for some Saturday night [as] show, and waking up in the middle of a FMA episode. 2. Keeping up with Dexter, PPG, and Johnny Bravo when I was a kid. 3. Discovering Cowboy Bebop at the Toys in the Attic episode. 4. Watching DBZ only to pretend I never watched it to look cool in elementary. 5. Rock Lee vs. Gaara
  12. Pokemon Gold/Silver Tekken 2 Persona 2 Super Smash Bros Melee Spiderman 2 Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Earthbound Senran Kagura 2 Little Big Planet 2
  13. When are they going to leak Stranger in Moscow?
  14. Mom and dad aren't the only ones that be getting on his nerves.
  15. If you love the Stars and Stripes, you have to fuck the clown pillows!
  16. There'd be more sex offenders, that's for sure.
  17. American dakimakura
  18. Sakura Clicker is the best clicker
  19. Hey, we have a dry period where there's no new episodes of anything people actually like... Let's have another Teen Titans Go marathon!
  20. You know OJ is a bad influence when his cat is also in jail
  21. It's an efficient way to make a milk shake
  22. Crash is Trash!
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