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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. Eh.... the caption said "li hing mui cakes."
  2. Happy birthday! It was infinitely easier to find pics of li hing mui cakes than I thought it would be. 😆
  3. The Uvalde tragedy is the straw that broke the camel's back for San Francisco Giants' manager Gabe Kapler, who announced he will no longer be on the field during the national anthem, until he feels better at the direction of the country. https://www.audacy.com/957thegame/sports/san-francisco-giants/gabe-kapler-explains-why-he-wont-come-out-for-anthem?fbclid=IwAR3QDJ2RuiFh7NWfUGRxgD__WMVVaTSvzcPMJP_xsbdIeTFwX_bk_6NhMmE I wonder how many conservatives will burn Kapler jerseys and demand for him to be exiled as a traitor.
  4. I wonder if the voice of Miss LaBonz from Bob's Burgers was inspired by the voice of Dr. Girlfriend/Mrs. The Monarch from The Venture Bros. I thought it was funny on The Venture Bros. the first time the Blacula Hunter (can't remember his name) first met Dr. Girlfriend, he was like, "Damn, do you smoke cigarettes, or do you eat 'em?"
  5. And here I thought proper police protocol when fearing for their lives is "shoot first, ask questions later."
  6. Actually that's what my IRL friend said. I'm kinda scared to pull that thread though.... cause inevitably the question why I'm a virgin will follow. Then what do I say? Oh I'm too shy and awkward so I hardly ask anyone out and the rare occasion I do, I get turned down?
  7. Only if it airs on AS or TBS.
  8. I think the trick is to not tell them until you seal the deal.
  9. Interesting question. Don't think the show mentioned this one way or the other.
  10. "The Broodwich issue. You know, Heidi Klum was on the cover." If Heidi Klum was on the cover, wouldn't that make it the Heidi Klum issue?
  11. If you were a hotdog, would you eat yourself?
  12. I always hated this show, except season 5 really surprised me with how much better than it was all the other seasons. Looking forward to it.
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