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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I remember a long time ago, someone on another board I frequented was like, "What the fuck is wtf?"
  2. Fuck I thought I posted this in the meme thread. Oh well.
  3. Does he even know he is essentially saying, "Child rapists are ok in my book."?
  4. Damn. I thought it was a great game, but I didn't like the soundtrack as much as MM2.
  5. Took me a beat.
  6. Oh shit! Practically all my favorites come from MM2... in order from favorite to less favorite but still favorite: Metal Man, Flash Man, Heat Man, Dr. Wily Stage 1 & 2, Crash Man, Wood Man, Quick Man, Bubble Man..... lol I named 7 out of 8 of the robot Masters, leaving only Air Man.... not a bad tune but I don't dig it as much as the others.
  7. Is this how difficult the stage is, or how fun it is? I've never thought Storm Eagle's stage was particularly hard. I think the one I had the most difficulty with on Mega Man X was Launch Octopus, followed by Armored Armadillo. One I had real difficulty with was Needle Man.
  8. It just hit me that Wayne Knight (Newman) was in my favorite live action sitcom (Seinfeld) and one of my favorite movies (Jurassic Park).
  9. You already posted this and I already pointed out YOU called Obama's 2012 presidential election Republican competitor a RINO. Your party now has drifted so far fucking to the right that now religious liberty as spelled out in The First Amendment according to the LAWMAKERS in YOUR PARTY means "This country is/needs to be a Christian Nationalist nation." How anyone with half a brain cell can equate "religious liberty" with "Christianity only" just shows how far up your own asses you and your party have gone. "HUR DUR THE SECOND AMENDMENT ALLOWS FOR AK'S IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT GET OUT AMERICA HATER." Ok, and to that end The First Amendment guarantees this was never and WILL NEVER be a Christian Nationalist nation and if YOU and YOUR LAWMAKERS DON"T LIKE IT, YOU/THEY CAN GET OUT, YOU AMERICA HATERS. 'HUR DUR ALL THE LEFT DO IS CALL ANYONE THEY DON'T AGREE WITH BIGOTS." I want you to explain, in great detail, how actively advocating and trying to extinguish all non-Christian religions in this nation in the name of "RELIGIOUS LIBERTY" is NOT bigotry. Spell it out for me. Pretend I'm in kindergarten.
  10. The San Francisco Sex Giants
  11. Happy birthday! 🎂 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
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