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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I hate how Metalocalypse overused him as a character. He's hilarious when used sparingly, but his character doesn't have enough depth to use him as frequently as they did. The Simpsons did the same thing with Disco Stu. Granted, I was basically thinking the same thing, but sorry to ruin your joke, but why WOULDN'T Hunter Biden be there? A grown son can't visit his father at his home?
  2. The teeth falling out dreams are very common and generally mean 1 of 2 things.... 1. You are worried about how others see you 2. You are worried that you'll literally lose your teeth, actual honest to god dental issues.
  3. I loved that old pic that explains the original Super Mario Bros. as communist propaganda.
  4. I'd just let it grow. Or just kill the whole lawn and replace it with the fake grass they use in domed baseball/football fields.
  5. Yeah, I'm not a super fan of the "topped" stuff they do with so many of their flavors for that reason and also they make me super thirsty. Other flavors they have a "core" instead and those are far better.
  6. Am disappoint that the cat isn't getting bathed.
  7. Um, yeah? If you wanna tell someone off. If you want to be nice about it you probably shouldn't though.
  8. Only Squaresoft bested Super Castlevania IV. My favorite NES soundtracks are probably Mega Man 2, Castlevania 2, and Ninja Gaiden. Ninja Gaiden may be the best of the best.
  9. Well if his intent was to end it and tell her off, which it seems like to me it was...
  10. ..........I would think he may have been more worried about how inmates treat child predators.
  11. Young South Korean: "Yay, I can legally drink now!" South Korean Government: "Not so fast..."
  12. Pretty sure if you had food poisoning, you would've been "firing from both ends," as they say.
  13. I never understood why so many people adamantly refused to believe that he killed himself. If I were in his shoes, I'd kill myself the first chance I got.
  14. You mean at dawn they go to sleep, right? Please tell me True Blood didn't get this simple but essential bit of vampire lore wrong.
  15. From the article: F'ing lol. What even are pro-life protections? What exactly is being protected here? The democrats coming for all your guns wasn't enough, now they're coming to rip your kid's fetuses out of your wombs!
  16. I wonder if they had cheerleaders in the Coliseum?
  17. I'm kinda surprised Fry as a kid had the foresight to get his lucky seven leaf clover laminated.
  18. At first I thought he was supposed to be some grandma, but then when he put the shades on and threw his head back, I was like, oh he's a Blues Brother as Beethoven....?
  19. 7: Too sexy for your shirt.... but not much else.
  20. ....Be careful what you wish for?
  21. Happy birthday MEXo!
  22. My favorite pizza place has a "flavor" called Latino Style.... Comes with pineapple, ham, pepperoni, sausage, onions, and jalapeños. Best pizza ever.
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