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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I knew you were going to make a sarcastic remark so I threw the smiley in at the end to denote: NOTE: THIS POST IS NOT SERIOUS. IT IS 100% A DUMB JOKE. Though I guess I could've worded it "Is there a chance the band was Body Count," so eh.
  2. IMO, society would dictate.... And I never said all guys would think that way, it was just an example. I literally never said this, you just shoved words into my mouth.
  3. Just in case there's a misunderstanding here: I'm not saying MY reaction would be "does she want me?" It just seems like a reaction a lot of men could have. Secondly, I never stated the interpreted signal would be for her to get ravished... More like heavy flirting....
  4. ROFL I can't believe I'm being chastised for describing society's expectations. I never said they were right, that's just what they are.
  5. I don't know if anyone wants the opinion of a cis-het man such as myself, but..... IMO, they day you openly declared yourself a woman, that's when it changed from shirtless to topless. Also, if you are around other people with your boobs out, how are they going to interpret that? ("She's showing me her boobs.... does she want me?")
  6. From the article: Is the career attorney now making threats on Trump's behalf? Absolute brilliance.
  7. But every single dream for all eternity being a nightmare?
  8. What if in hell all your dreams are nightmares?
  9. You use an image for an avatar and it crops out the corners so it fits in the circle. It's showing the picture incomplete. And the only way to get it all in is to make it smaller. These bubbles are small enough as it is.
  10. Yes because once great avatars get ruined by auto cropping.
  11. So since it was possible to have rectangular/square avatars in the anniversary board.... How about making it site wide? I know circle avatars are the norm now but they still fucking suck.
  12. All the refreshment of regular Clark, but with none of the sugar or calories!
  13. Maybe in Korea they're still really into American 80s media.
  14. If he hit the ball, but with that same backswing, what direction and how far do you think the ball would go?
  15. Did I just hear Zorak go, "I need a woman.... someone whose organs I can sell to Black Sabbath"?????
  16. Starts/started at midnight, ends at 2:00 AM.
  17. We need to talk...
  18. But do you really want to watch a Dale Gribble-less King of the Hill?
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