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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. *and visions of SNL's Blue Oyster Cult sketch danced in Doom's head* ^Since its December and therefore officially Christmas season aside from just retail businesses sticking Santa's ass into Halloween.
  2. WAT fuck you dude. 😝
  3. You realize the URL is still in your sig, right?
  4. I'm not a boot guy, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut....
  5. Wrong. I have a few of their CDs. A couple more on the way in the mail.
  6. And 80s.... and 70s.... Possibly 60s?
  7. Bob Lazar was an interesting fellow, does the documentary paint him as a fraudster or was he telling the truth? I used to have an interest in UFOs and all the UFO specials I saw on TV said all his claims were easily debunked, and these included shows with a non-skeptic angle.
  8. If it makes you feel any better, I knew you were black the instant I saw a pic of you for the first time.
  9. She was indeed hot, but I think you're overselling it. Although maybe you're mixing her talent into the equation and that combo would make you obsessed? Because that makes more sense than just her looks alone making you obsessed. Also scoob's video definitely better displays her hotness than the black and white nun outfit one.
  10. Join a gigging rock band, you'll fit right in.
  11. My band played our talent show that year, and we sold a few demo CDs. I was really proud of it back then, but years later going back to it with a critical ear the guitars on the demo are not at all lock-step (me and the other guitarist trying to play in tandem).
  12. In high school my band's song was played on the radio.
  13. I thought you already had an account here?
  14. That's some squirrel racist shit.
  15. It looks kinda like it's gonna get up and dance, doesn't it?
  16. I don't know what "SFH" is but wouldn't it be great for the pic if it said SMFH? Oh, duh. lol
  17. My cousin married a guy with the same name as her brother. For an added twist, before they all grew up, her brother hung out with the two of them a lot. I think I could do it, as I have no sisters, and my mom is just "mom" to me, not her actual name.
  18. Ok, so this is the best I can think of so far: In the two bands I've been in lately, we've created group text messages for the whole band that we always use to communicate band business with each other. At one point, me and one other member were unemployed, one member was barely employed, and the other member had to get up for work early every day and do manual labor. Late one night me and the other unemployed member were texting each other about band stuff and the employed one suddenly interjected "IT'S 3:00 AM, ARE YOU GUYS ON DRUGS????" so I apologized and we stopped texting for the night. The next band practice we were laughing about it, and I was like, "If you don't want your phone bothering you while you're sleeping, why don't you just silence it or turn it off? That's what I do." He said what if there's an emergency. I asked what emergency would happen late at night considering at the time he was not in a relationship, his kids are all grown and on their own, and I believe both of his parents are passed too. He said, "what if a friend is too drunk to drive home and he needs me to give him a ride?" Eh.
  20. Bob Rivers, all the time.
  21. Actually I think a much more realistic caption to this would be "Ozzy Osbourne asks John Lennon to sign his autograph book." Ozzy is, and always has been, a Beatles fanatic. The problem with that though is Ozzy didn't start dressing like that until well after Lennon was killed.
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