Ok, so this is the best I can think of so far:
In the two bands I've been in lately, we've created group text messages for the whole band that we always use to communicate band business with each other. At one point, me and one other member were unemployed, one member was barely employed, and the other member had to get up for work early every day and do manual labor. Late one night me and the other unemployed member were texting each other about band stuff and the employed one suddenly interjected "IT'S 3:00 AM, ARE YOU GUYS ON DRUGS????" so I apologized and we stopped texting for the night. The next band practice we were laughing about it, and I was like, "If you don't want your phone bothering you while you're sleeping, why don't you just silence it or turn it off? That's what I do." He said what if there's an emergency. I asked what emergency would happen late at night considering at the time he was not in a relationship, his kids are all grown and on their own, and I believe both of his parents are passed too. He said, "what if a friend is too drunk to drive home and he needs me to give him a ride?" Eh.