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Doom Metal Alchemist

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Everything posted by Doom Metal Alchemist

  1. I didn't say you had to cover it, I just wanted an ACTUAL reason why you didn't want to, and you gave one good reason, and one of the worst reasons anyone has ever given anything, ever.
  2. *blink* *blink* Did I read what I just thought I read? You said this is a HOLIDAY episode, and the first thing you listed you're reviewing is SANTA conquers the Martians, and you won't do the Star Was holiday special because not everyone celebrates Christmas? Are you fucking high? Secondly, everybody loves harshly negative reviews, why do you think AVGN was such a hit back in the day? If you don't want to review it because you don't want to spend a lot of time and effort trashing it, fine, but don't give me that bullshit that a Christmas themed holiday special isn't appropriate for a holiday themed episode featuring something about goddamn Santa Claus. Jesus Fuck.
  3. Wrong numbers ("Hey I miss you bro" along with selfie of someone who I've never seen... Like with Vamped this person was very persistent despite my continuing to ignore them so eventually I just had to respond "you got the wrong number") Porn / dating spam ("My pussy's wet, join me on cam!") I'd have to think hard for a really odd text from someone I actually know. VERY fortunately my friends seem to not text me when they're drunk or high.
  4. Fair enough. That did not in the slightest bit answer my question.
  5. I think they're usually referred to as "haoles"
  6. Since when is It's a Wonderful Life sci-fi? Also, if this is a HOLIDAY episode, and you're analyzing STAR WARS.... Why don't you do the Star Wars holiday special?
  7. There's plenty of disabled college students. Wheelchair, crutches, whatever.
  8. Isn't there a possibility he can be saved by a liver transplant?
  9. I guess in response to this is as good a place as any to post this.... As I was coming home early from work about 12:30 this morning, on the freeway I noticed a pickup truck with a trailer with all the tail lights burnt out. I was lucky I saw him when I did so I had plenty of time to merge into the next lane. When I was passing him it looked like his headlights were on but just barely, they were so dim. This guys needs to stay the fuck off the road (especially the goddamn freeway) at night until he replaces those fucking lights. I wonder if his emergency flashers were burnt out too.
  10. Pizza. Birthday Cake Remix ice cream from Cold Stone Creamery. Mountain Dew.
  11. Happy birthday helps and viperxmns!
  12. 13 year old girl from Bob’s Burgers. She has a ‘thing’ for zombies.
  13. Go tell Tina Belcher.
  14. Those guys look WAY more like brothers than father/son.
  15. Aw c'mon man, now my imagination is running away with me.... I can picture a decorated Christmas tree with wrapped presents under it.... You come to the tree on Christmas Eve (Christmas day is for the kids....) and you excitedly unwrap all the dildos, buttplugs, anal beads, cock & ball torture devices, lube, and whatever other sex toy I can't think of, you thank the tree for the generous gifts, and then you REALLY thank the tree...
  16. ....Are you having sex with Christmas trees now?
  17. Resurrected specifically said "christmas tree." Christmas tree =/= literally any type of tree on god's green Earth.
  18. Who wears a baseball cap and sunglasses during a job interview?
  19. Douglas fir trees are not even remotely "everywhere" let alone "free everywhere." WTF are you you talking about?
  20. ^ This is like my exact thoughts on probably MOST of my coworkers wearing their hoodies while working. Yeah it's cold outside, but it sure as fuck ain't cold in the building. Every single day, no matter the time of year, I wear shorts and a t-shirt to work. I may wear a jacket in the parking lot, but I take it off when I get inside and I don't put it back on until it's time to go back to the parking lot after shift. I remember when my dad first started having me mowing the lawn during the winter. I would put on long pants, and wear a jacket zipped up all the way, and just stepping outside I'd be freezing, even with all that on. 5-10 minutes after starting mowing though.... I'd just basically throw the mower down and rip my jacket AND shirt off as fast I can and roll up my pant-legs because all of a sudden it feels like I'm in an oven.... Then I go back inside, up to my room, change out of my long pants and into shorts, and leave my jacket and shirt inside and finish mowing the lawn in nothing but shorts and not feel cold at all. That's what doing physical activity does to you in cold weather, it makes it feel like it's not cold at all.... and it literally ISN'T cold in the building in the first place.... I cannot for the fucking life of me understand how people with the same job as me, and especially those with MORE physical jobs than me wear long pants and hoodies while working. I'm never not hot as hell at work just wearing shorts and a t-shirt.
  21. Happy birthday!
  22. I don't think she's facially attractive either.... She kinda looks like a famous fitness model, Jillian something or other....
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