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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. Damn. Utterly fascinating how he seemed to latch onto that whole "unity" message after his near-miss, as if he thinks that's key to winning over anyone. The latest buzz word to make him sound like the better choice.. except every single call for unity always seems couched in an attack against one group or another...
  2. No no, they just need to find an angle to make a Trump dictatorship palatable.
  3. Had some thoughts recently about the whole thing.. like.. just, so many of the people that watch have literally no investment or actual interest in any of it. Most of the global audience probably don't even know half the sports/events, less likely to know or understand scoring for some of them, zero knowledge of competitors, poor understanding of what it takes to get there.. just on and on. All anyone really cares about is their country and how many gold medals their "team" wins. It just feels so bizarre. And, like you say, people be having opinions about shit they knew nothing about two weeks ago as if everyone's an expert now. It just feels farcical, the way the average dimwit viewer has no interest prior, gets suddenly fired up for any opportunity to feel "we're number one!!" and immediately forgets all of it a few weeks later. Idk.. just struck me as odd one day thinking about how number of gold medals is all most see or care about.. not even the feats that accomplish them.
  4. Eh, maybe a bit early to call that one.. I mean, the train arc was also originally a movie that also got the episodic treatment. And ffs, if we had to sit through the shitty final finale finisher srsly last one of AoT, we could sure as hell handle these.
  5. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable and not at all weird explanation for this.
  6. Looking ahead, since I've been flip-flopping on cutting the cord.. this arc is still all up available on.. Netflix, I think, right? And I expect Uzumaki will get the typical "next day on Max" treatment.. Kinda hate losing the block vibes (even tho I've been relegated to DVR squad for a while now..). But just can't sustain currently..
  7. Exactly the sort of thing he should've been doing from the start, with the expectation of being a one term president cleaning up after the last shitstain.
  8. I'm sure by now there's a good meme out there of the "thin blue line" folks stressing out over the choice between voting for a convicted felon or voting for a cop..
  9. Just realized, too.. GOP is trying to use the same argument they did for SC nominations..: "It's too close to the election now, you can't just pick someone new."
  10. This was the narrative I was kinda looking forward to. There's zero logic to it, and it's painfully obvious they wanted the same easy target all the way up to election. Pure panic. Almost makes me want to see Biden just resign out of pure spite and just let her take over. "What? No, what, you can't just resign, that's not fair!" Almost.
  11. I'm just saying.. not being on the ticket isn't necessarily the same thing as not being in the ground.. and we weren't that far off from a country mourning both expected nominees.
  12. Can you imagine what it must be like living in the timeline where Trump took a load to the face and covid put Biden down? This honestly feels like smooth sailing compared to the absolute chaos we narrowly avoided.. ......Ok, so, like.. how late could they possibly push that? Like... even if Trump does win, could Biden, say.. choose to tap out in, like, December, putting Harris in as 47 for just a couple months prior to transfer of power? Pleasepleaseplease, if everything starts going to hell, please let everyone be that petty. We need one last good laugh. I was kinda mulling this over, too. After the debate, when whispers started going around.. even if he did seriously consider it, I think the optics of dropping out right after that debate would look horrible. Had to project strength as best he could for the moment, but knowing there was a limit on how long they could push it. Now is maybe more decent timing (and running out of decent time besides). Covid gives another layer, to have a fresh reminder of his health concerns, and you've got an ok narrative to say "ok, yeah, now we can do this without looking like a complete embarrassment."
  13. Idk guys. He might have a point. I mean, look, the last time an incumbent president lost re-election was *checks notes* four years ago. All of recent history says it just doesn't happen. The masses will always want to vote for someone they know can be president over somebody that's never held the office.
  14. I mean.. what is there that's left to discuss of this? (and DBZ..) Does seem baffling that they skipped over the one good memorable arc of the show, tho.
  15. It was Trump, there were bullets, as far as anyone in that crowd is concerned, he came down to personally shield each and every one of them from a hail of gunfire.
  16. Yeah.. couldn't tell if it felt like a good thing that at least their systems were robust enough to handle the problem.. or if their systems are simply too obsolete to have noticed anything was happening.
  17. Coupled with the previous post.... it really doesn't take much for a lot of idiots to decide "Trump is clearly presidential material despite throwing everyone under the bus constantly."
  18. Twitch Plays Pokemon happened 10 years ago. Sometime last year I knew it was coming.. and then completely forgot about it. Not that I was hugely a part of it.. but just feels like one of those events worth observing. I also just like occasionally reminding some people how long ago that happened. Praise bird Jesus
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  19. I'd be fascinated to see what happens if this causes him to put off public appearances, even for just a bit. Maybe a few "rallies" streamed of him ranting nonsense to an empty room. A clear "acting tough while hiding" scenario. Does he put himself back out in the line of danger if he senses attention slipping away? He needs all eyes on him to maintain support (and probably to enable his behavior/rhetoric..), but I'd wager there's a non-zero chance he's at least considered laying low for a bit..
  20. "Make sure his hair is still on before he gets up" lol I'll choose the conspiracy of "secret service was kinda lax cuz they're tired of being assigned to the lump."
  21. It's almost like he fits the description of near every public/mass shooter in recent history. Must be a coincidence. I'm sure there's no common thread to be found among them.
  22. Optimistically, this is the moment Trump realizes shit's getting real and decides to just drop out before someone gets another chance. Does he really strike anyone as willing to risk his own life to seize control?
  23. Does, I think, raise a small concern that the big "fuck you" energy they're putting out is just going to get a lot of voters to decide to just stay home. Doesn't feel like the response of a party that's earned their voters' support. At the very least, they could be pushing this in a way that doesn't sound like "go fuck yourselves."
  24. Yeahhh, the gambit sounds poorly thought out. Actually withholding donations probably does more to help Trump win than using those donations for Biden's campaign. But it still feels pretty bad to have the party say "I know you don't want this guy representing you.. but you don't get a say in the matter."
  25. Tbh, the "grim" comment came about as I said out loud (in my head) "Biden is the best candidate we can get." That just sounded like a depressing realization. It ain't strictly bad, it's just... not something to feel excited about.
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