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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. Oh hey, it looks like it also happens to the little pop-up when someone replies to a thread while you're reading it? That's just multiple concentric rings around the pop-up.. almost makes me want to hunt down some other boards that use whatever we're on and see if they have similar things happen..
  2. This is like supporting the eradication of all Germans because Nazis. Seriously questioning if you're just missing chunks of grey matter at this point.
  3. And we should all count ourselves lucky that he's decided not to use his powers for evil.
  4. Only just caught up with last week, and probably none of this will matter, but.. Shou wasn't a gangster, and he wasn't a "rich kid with a safe house." Club Shou Time was very clearly a host club. Ladies paying for a bit of company. Staying true to their character, they had to put up a good fight to protect their clients..
  5. Just realized I'd been listening to some appropriate music for this thread...
  6. They can even make country music palatable. Incredible
  7. I can't settle on just one of these vids to share...
  8. I just kinda assumed he was glossing over the fact that more people are alive today to vote, so it sounds special to have bigger numbers. But it's not exactly an accomplishment to get more popular votes than, say, Grover Cleveland or w/e.
  9. So, basically just checking where I might find currently running dubs.. it seems like having Max and Crunchyroll is all I'd really need to mostly replicate the block.. unless searches are misleading and releases are way behind or something.. But also feels like we're about to jump into a very uncertain time.. Naruto ending (though I had no intention of going out of my way to watch that on my own), Lyco looking pretty short and nearly wrapped up, Kamui doesn't seem like it has much more left in it. We've got one new show running, but hardly seems like an anchor show.. Maybe just need to take the plunge, tho.. gotta find somewhere to save a few bucks..
  10. Tbh.. there's a lot of hand-waving/dismissing you have to do for any story set like this. Internet is down.. but they still have cable access? They still have electricity? And, y'know, they haven't been nuked to oblivion yet? Really, thinking at all about the actual logistics of a "zombie apocalypse" is usually what immediately turns me away from any such stories.. It's actually kinda refreshing that I can almost sorta just about ignore a lot of that here simply due to main character being so obliviously care free. It's less about the zombie apocalypse, it's more about freedom. I can respect that.
  11. Can you imagine, under Lazzo, a show like Bojack Horseman would've 100% been canned long before it really picked up stride? Meanwhile, we got... Mr. Pickles. Anyway, on subject, one thing I really appreciated about the movie was the occasional animation nods. I swear, Knubbler's final scene reminded me of something out of DBZ maybe, or something similar. There's a shot in the final fight that seemed very Evangelion, and I think there may have even been an Akira reference around there as well. Definitely a lot of little easter eggs to pick apart. My (maybe) one criticism would be Abigail. I mean... I guess they needed to add her character to give Nathan a serious case of rejection.. but, after everything she did in the last season, and all they went through to rescue her (maybe incidental to rescuing Toki...), it just felt a little cheap to have her show up, turn Nathan down, and then that's just the end of her story.
  12. There may have been some extra layers to it, but building up an actual plot certainly didn't do it any favors in Lazzo's eyes. Which, I get the desire to want to focus on leaning into the funny, but.. I'd maybe argue that a network needs shows like this every once in a while to actually stay relevant. You can load yourself up on all the Family Guys and Robot Chickens etc, and they might be good for ratings, but, they're not much use beyond background noise after a while. You need something that makes waves and leaves an impression. You need shows that leave a legacy, for their own sake, for the creators, and for the network. I'd wager you couldn't build the loyal fanbase [as] has without these occasional gems that did more than just make people laugh.
  13. (yep I'm gonna just keep posting) It's kinda funny, too, earlier in the day, prior to Checkered Past, Regular Show was also re-airing its finale, which sorta captured a lot of the same sentiments. And as I dwell on it, it makes me think, the mark of a great show must surely be that capacity to smoothly transition from simply entertaining to truly compelling. Regular Show and Adventure Time, Steven Universe, even Craig of the Creek seemed to grasp at it. And on the [as] side.. it feels like the closest they've come to that lately is Rick and Morty, but that's certainly falling far short of compelling. Even the "Evil Morty" or "Rick Prime" arcs never seemed like they wanted to amount to much. Ballmastrz, maybe? It didn't really click for me, but I seem to recall it trying to go out with a bang.. The flip side of that is probably that, by avoiding anything that could become too grandiose, they dodge the budget bullet that briefly killed this and VB. Could even be a simple matter of the network just not wanting to stray too far from their mindless comedy lane. You could maybe even make a case for this being why Unicorn Warriors Eternal kinda just stumbled. It was trying to be that truly compelling story from the start, without having the gentle buildup and time to grow. FLCL may be a great example of how you can make that transition quickly, as well as demonstrating that the transition is practically necessary for something to truly take off. And then you have all of the sequels that just can't quite get it right, as if they fail to find the right balance, being too eager to get to the "compelling" point.
  14. And just like Venture Bros, the last feeling I'm left with is... "It's over." It's such a bizarre feeling of.. Finality? I've never been a super fan, never been to cons or kept up with news or followed the creators.. but these are things that were always there, somewhere back in my youth.. things that never got any closure, so they remained with a sense of "that was great, and I'll forever wonder where they were going with it." The return is like finally reading the final chapter of a book, and knowing you have to leave that world behind now. I'm glad they got to make this. Glad for the creators, and glad for the fans. Time is rough on everyone.. so you really got to appreciate when it gives you the chance to say what you set out to say, to give to the world everything you intended.
  15. So, after this... what's left? Venture Bros got to wrap things up, Metalocalypse finally got theirs.. what big names are left that still deserve a proper ending? Do we bring back Moral Orel?
  16. Ugghh. They're moving MiA around? Oh, wait.. now that I think about it, I did have trouble re-watching that one. Movies were up on Hulu at the time, I think, but I remember having to use the [as] app for season 2. Will definitely need to keep that in mind if/when new content comes out (next year at the earliest probably.....).
  17. Eh, worth a shot. I know Demon Slayer was obviously available long ago on Hulu, and did see a few other Toonami picks on there at the time.. I don't really care about One Piece so missing out on that won't be a bother, and Naruto is ending. Crunchyroll seems to have a lot of crossover, what with generally picking from their library, I think?
  18. Yayy another potential cord cutter.. Anyone here familiar with what's available (or what isn't)? Most of [as]-proper seems to end up on Max right away, right? Might not all stay there forever (sad to see Xavier isn't listed anymore..) but honestly, who has time for rewatches. (such a shame the [as] app doesn't take Max as valid login credentials...) So I could maybe keep up with the few good things left on that front. But, Toonami? Does what gets picked up also get streaming rights there? Or am I left cherry-picking other/anime streaming services to keep up? I knowwww, I could just pick one or two services and have all the content I'd ever want to watch.. but I still like the idea of retaining some connection to the block. But, kinda first thing to look at when finances need tightening.
  19. Even setting aside the prison pipe dream, the guy's likely dead within the next 2-3 election cycles. Even setting aside all the things wrong with him, the party just doesn't seem to be in any position to do anything besides try to prop him up. I mean.. Dems don't seem to be in much better shape right now.. but I'd like to think there everyone at least recognizes the need for making plans for after this election.
  20. S'ok. Nothing truly concerning, more a curiosity. There's just the faintest of gradients around the thread preview box. I can't even really show it off any better, it's so faint. But if you look close careful at the right side of that image, especially around the corners, you can see some rounded off not-as-blackness just outside the preview box (almost touches the corners, and just a bit outside that is another rounded region of slightly-not-as-dark. Maybe probably a desktop-only thing? I have no idea how/if thread previews work on mobile.
  21. Worth noting, this particular ship is roughly twice as large as anything that existed when the bridge was built. Bear in mind, this ship is considered mid-size. Bah, can't re-find the article I'd seen comparing it to train loads. Seem to recall it saying it's carrying roughly the equivalent of a freight train 20-something miles long.
  22. Nobody wants to hear it, nobody wants to say it, but..... The economic cost of putting such restrictions on cargo shipping (probably) far outweighs the cost of the occasional disaster. Capitalism, baby!
  23. I just woke up from a dream of me watching some weird Toonami mashup special.. kinda like that DBZ x One Piece x [that other show] thing.. but zanier, broadly Toonami focused, lots of characters, some incomprehensible plot.. I distinctly remember the music having a bunch of old callbacks to some absolute classic [as] bump tracks. So.... if they ever pull something like that off, I'm going to start calling myself a psychic.
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