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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. ...why? What overlord do we have to follow that forces us to put up with it? For a community as small as this, it's just in everyone's best interest to purge that toxicity. Hell, it's in her best interest, since she doesn't actually post to discuss anything, and will never reply to anyone on any logical point. Don't get me wrong, I'm kinda on the fence about it personally. But. She's just posting garbage to stir shit up because she knows everyone here doesn't want to see it. She knows she oughtta fuck off with that shit and posts it anyway. That alone should be worth consideration. Vibe check, man. "Technically not against the rules" doesn't cut it when one member can piss off the entire user base.
  2. I mean, if you still wanna give them benefit of the doubt, you could maybe assume anything posted on that site could just as likely be him hijacking accounts to praise himself...
  3. Look, I hate to be the buzzkill (that's a lie, I love being a buzzkill), but, has everyone gotten enough entertainment out of it yet? Cuz, not immediately banning and removing this jackassery from this community is starting to sour the whole experience. I get that it's fun pointing and laughing for a bit, but.. it doesn't really seem like it's as entertaining as it was to begin with anymore.
  4. It's a good thing it never procreated. In nature, this is the kind of stupid that would weed itself out of the gene pool.
  5. You're thinking of all the cronies that have crawled up his enormous ass. It's the fatty McD's sweats that provide his own insulating layer.
  6. I'd also propose inflation is hitting hard, and cable is one of those things that everyone looks at and sees an easy bit of money they could save by dropping. Still savings if you only end up with a small amount of streaming services.
  7. Yeah, Moral Orel is another good one. The only other thing coming to mind was Metalocalypse, but, even that I don't think is on the same level.
  8. I wouldn't disagree, but, also..... as praise goes, this doesn't say a whole lot, given the competition...
  9. I'll say every time, like any social media, it depends wholly and entirely on how you curate what you see. Clearly the problem in that case is friending randos from highschool as if you wanted to see what goes on with them. Stick to people you like and know, block out bullshit, avoid feeding the algorithm. I don't need to see all these random interest pages trying to post engagement and get reactions. None of that is what I'm on the site to see. I don't need to see any political or civil discourse. etc. I mean. I understand why the site transitioned into what it is, as a more modern competitor, revenue generator, etc. It's just disappointing that society was ok with seeing social media go from "social" to "media." I'd even propose it's contributed significantly to overall feelings of isolation among the populace, now that everyone just shouts into the void and hopes for a response, rather than cultivating actual (even if digital) connections. But, I suppose that, too, is by design, to feed the machine..
  10. Damn. Shame I never really saw twitter (or, by extension, bsky) as a replacement for facebook. Facebook was for cultivating a community, even if it was just friends and/or relations. Twitter always seemed more about creating content and engagement. But those policy changes sound like ass.
  11. Confession: Beast Wars is basically the only Transformers media I've ever consumed. I think the writing still holds up decently. The animation is... well, early CG, what can you do. ... Remaster it, apparently, per the other great CG animation of the time, the OG, ReBoot.
  12. It sounded credible that the guy might exist..... but wouldn't entirely rule out Muck just hijacking accounts on a whim to praise himself.
  13. Suddenly, a twist..... https://bsky.app/profile/crimew.gay/post/3ley7hqd62k2c https://maia.crimew.gay/posts/adrian-dittmann/
  14. No no, I'm 100% on board with spinning the fuck out of this. Clearly it was an attack by Elon himself, sending Trump a message. He's got tens of thousands of rolling bombs out there that he's capable of detonating at any time.
  15. I mean, sure, but also, seems unfair to put it up against anything else since it kinda hits a totally different genre. Invader Zim was great as well, but I wouldn't really make any comparisons between the two.
  16. I'm still mad disappointed Gargoyles never came up for a Kingdom Hearts world. That shit would've been amazing.
  17. I don't care what the haters say, RWBY had heart and its own sort of unpolished charm. It wasn't out of some big budget studio, it was just a thing they wanted to try to make. And it had a lot of potential.. at the start anyway. Can't deny it kinda lost itself along the way. Anyway, RIP Monty, we will forever be left to wonder what contributions you could've made to the animation industry. D= I'm also kinda forever bitter that Disney channel will replay Gravity Falls forever, but seems like they'd rather bury and forget Star vs The Forces of Evil. Nothing against GF, but, c'mon, it's not the only great cartoon you got.
  18. By virtue of having no qualms or morals about exploiting anyone "lower" than themselves, probably yeah. The better question might be whether that's something they could accomplish anywhere, or if something about this country makes it so much easier for them....
  19. Seems strange to expect a walmart employee to give a shit about shoplifting. Can't imagine any of them are paid enough to care.
  20. https://aftermath.site/moxie-robot-ai-dying-llm-embodied
  21. Everyone posting weegee memes, I'm just over here
  22. Guys, at least make it easier for him to click on those bumpy bus rides. Try this link instead
  23. Look forward to the "Dems created another fake virus to ruin my presidency" rhetoric.
  24. Went a bit deep on this dive. This man is living quite a life..
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