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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. First it was the nazis getting punched, now racists getting chaired. What's this country coming to when you can't openly be a bigot? What's next, TERFs getting tazed? (please?)
  2. Hmmm... trying to think of where I already knew about that relationship. By the looks, I likely would've only seen/known him from Teen Titans and Young Justice as well. I guess is possible sometime back then I just happened to look them up to figure out who they were (and understand the difference between him and Grodd. >__>)
  3. Of course Ivo is still alive. He's fricken Professor Ivo. There's gotta be a 0% chance we won't see an AMAZO at some point. Although.. not sure how that'll work out against only Superman. Usually that's the sort of thing you kinda really need a whole Justice League to throw at it.
  4. That shot, of the sky changing color, that's exactly what always comes to mind when I hear Crazy Sunshine.
  5. Yeah, pretty sure this is genuinely established Mallah/Brain lore. Preeetttty sure they've been in some other animated stuff besides TTG. And yeah, naturally most would've assumed Grodd as the more recognizable gorilla. Kinda genuinely not enjoying Lois' reaction to the Superman reveal. "WHy diDN't yOU TEll mE EveryTHINg???!!!" Gee, Idunno, maybe because he's not human and that's not the sort of thing you just go blabbing to everyone?
  6. Chances seem better those kids are just from other rich-ass families and will never see a day of work in their life. Side-pot says they're already working their way towards a drug-fueled life.
  7. I shared in the other thread, but, well, since you linked the original, I gotta again share the mashup
  8. My most recent memory of him is being included in this mashup.
  9. He's been listed in the credits, and the suit from this episode was a fair giveaway. General Wade Eiling's lore is also usually connected to Captain Atom, and has the same general motivation as Waller an the rest of the government getting involved in these things: "We want a military-controlled super-weapon just in case we need to fight Superman/heroes."
  10. Agent Slade Wilson. aka Deathstroke. The general is The General. I only really know the JLU version myself, tbh.
  11. For a moment I wondered why they didn't have Tom announcing they made an oops and why they were repeating this episode.. Then I remembered, everyone's on strike.
  12. Only credited as "The General," but I called it. Slade/Deathstroke felt pretty on-point here as well. And Waller being ruthless? Timeless.
  13. Conflicting emotions
  14. Kingdom Hearts fandom absolutely memeing it up. Turns out Musk was Xehanort this whole time I guess.
  15. Found a fun little series of articles examining the themes and symbolism of FLCL episode by episode. https://ap2hyc.com/2017/03/symbolism-flcl-1x01-fooly-cooly/ They don't seem to link to each other, so might have to just search FLCL on the site for further reading. Thing I learned: When Canti eats Naota, he displays the kanji for "adult."
  16. Wild to see big name companies, with massive brand recognition, just completely trashing their SEO.
  17. Despite having the soundtracks, there's still something special about hearing the songs in context. And yeah. Hybrid Rainbow always evokes that image of Canti in the air with the crows.
  18. But he somehow remembers what he was called as a baby.
  19. Italian pervs training:
  20. I'd also enjoy seeing an alternative with Abbott. Instead of getting caught at the airport fleeing to Cancun during Texas' next crisis, he decides to take a more stealthy route..
  21. As old as the cartridges are, chances are good all the saves deleted themselves. Always had trouble when I got the urge to play one or two of those games, they'd be a bit picky about whether or not they remembered having saves.
  22. Hot damn, only just now discovering I can highlight text and just quote selected text, instead of quoting and removing bits. Site's fancier than I thought.. Anyway. Sounds like at this pace, Threads may be the inevitable top contender. If it's already outpacing competition, nobody else is in any position to swoop in. All the others that presented themselves seem to have never caught enough momentum to scoop up enough users, and will likely all keep a core niche following while dying a slow death like Google+.
  23. My gut tells me one of the dudes next to her was General Wade Eiling. But that might just be my JLU bias..
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