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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. Ah, it wasn't that bad of a Superman story, a bit of a reimagining, alternate Earth deal, if you're willing to cut it some slack. Not every iteration needs to be 100% faithful to the source material, or else there's no point in new iterations. Passable...ish finale. Knew something was up when it wasn't over after the big climax last episode. This puts it in a position of "eh, things are sorta mostly tied whether or not we get to continue." The liberties taken will probably very much not sit well with previously mentioned crowd that needs faithful. And I can't argue against it too strongly. That was... a different take. Credits listed a Brainiac. And it took me a couple minutes to realize... of fucking course. The three connected dots, that's always been Brainiac's signature. Feels like an ok way of setting him up at least. Despite previous assertions.. admittedly not myself a fan of making The General a Lane. Definitely a stretch of a change just for a played out trope. Further, just bizarre that Waller/nobody responded to calls for backup, or in general never kept eyes on what was going on.. that aspect of the story fell a bit flat for me.
  2. This has all the same energy as Trump's "doctors" saying he's in peak physical condition.
  3. I think the only memory I have of the song is from an episode of Spin City, of which there doesn't seem to be any clips..
  4. Was wondering why I don't think I've seen any ads for a marathon happening... Oh, right. Everyone's on strike so can't record promo lines maybe. Actually... surprised they did actually say something after Stone.. maybe they just pulled that from an old recording..
  5. Ok, if you slow down that segment and read the "livestream" comments, some good ones there. Most names are generic throw-away, but you can catch a LanaLang in there (even gives the classic "Sounds like a job for Superman" line). I also really enjoyed the "come to brasil" and "kekw" thrown in for streaming authenticity, lol.
  6. Been thinking about the Kingdom of Science... Do you think Senku has invented toilet paper yet? ...Or toilets? I mean. I guess with only a couple hundred people tops, maybe they can get away without water sanitation and whatnot.. Just sorta mulling over how, realistically (lol), they've probably seriously gotta get some form of actual medical progression up and running quickly before somebody important succumbs to something dumb in the primitive world that they wouldn't have thought about worrying about.. Also, funny thought, you can tell they haven't revived any actual adults yet by the fact that they also haven't invented alcohol.
  7. Is he... just, like.. admitting he did the interference? OH! Ohhh, he's trying to say it's interfering with the election that isn't even happening right now... Cuz, shouting "election interference" while being arrested in regards to election interference just sorta sounds like admitting you did the thing you're getting arrested for.
  8. Mm, climax felt like a bit of a wet fart. "Everybody, turn off your lights!" And the entire city goes dark? Come the fuck on. There's still power running to the buildings. And if Supes could just punch a hole right through the suit, why didn't he just... do that to begin with? Start tearing it apart? Idk. Feeling a bit weird how it wants to establish that this is definitely an alternate-reality Earth but also wants some things to play out as usual.. Kinda more into it just to follow Waller's progression more than Superman.
  9. Shame that the budget almost certainly doesn't have room to make more things like this while they're at it.
  10. Ooh oh, wait, dream picks that might possibly be out of reach: Swat Kats and Freakazoid. Because honestly, this is still kinda pretty badass.
  11. Oh no, what ever will the kids do without more Teen Titans Go and Gumball? Won't somebody think of the children etc etc. These are literally kids' shows. What a ridiculous argument. As for what else they need.. I wanna say K.N.D. But it did sorta kinda have an overall story to it in the end.. The only other big-enough consideration might be Cow and Chicken, but I'm not sure that ever had enough draw to be justified. Like a worse version of Rocko's Modern Life or Ren and Stimpy. After that you kinda start dipping into later generation shows. Some would be good picks, but may not necessarily fit the vibe/theme. Maybe Foster's. Regular Show, Flapjack, Chowder would be top picks. There's probably some that might pine for Camp Lazlo or My Gym Partner's a Monkey, but kinda scraping the barrel at that point.
  12. It's rare to find a song/style and just be left staring in wonder trying to figure out what you're even listening to..
  13. This is always what comes to mind when I hear I Think I Can. That moment he stops, and the chorus into the solo, the release of Atomsk.
  14. Wait... are they seriously operating on the assumption that there's only one thrown petrifying weapon?
  15. You probably meant to use the past tense there.
  16. From what little I've seen or know of Blue Beetle (probably almost entirely from Young Justice), it did always seem like one I might enjoy digging into the lore. Not quite the usual Justice League level stuff, but maybe big enough to be adjacent.
  17. Of course it's going to look "healthier" when all the people commonly targeted by harassment have left and now there's nowhere (or, less) to aim that toxicity towards.
  18. The one sliver of hope for something greater than house arrest out of this is that he reeeeeaaallly needs to be somewhere with limited, monitored, supervised internet access..
  19. The helmet, a Green Lantern ring, Hawkman's mace, a Mister Terrific T-sphere, and probably a dozen or more I didn't notice or couldn't identify.
  20. I have 100% tuned out and not watched any of this batch of filler. Kinda gonna be an adjustment getting back to watching this again.. So much piling up in the "to watch" list...
  21. I also caught back in Marquis de Carabas that Mamimi called Naota "almost as cute as Doraemon" which is a bit more timeless, as references go, maybe.
  22. Y'know, that never really registered with me before either. I mean, in general, sorta, yeah. But the armband and everything.. Also never really noticed how suggestiveNinamori is with that popsicle..
  23. I see no problems with Mxy's design, personally, but I have no great opinions/attachments to the character. Going full chaos god mode tho, he did have a proper moment of terrifying and sinister. Overall, I enjoyed it. Good way to set itself apart from usual stories, establishing we're off on (yet another) alternate dimension Earth. Dropped probably a couple dozen DC references. Set itself up as a little bit bigger than the otherwise simple day-in-the-life of learning-his-powers Superman. Maybe a bit of a distraction from Cadmus, but that's probably a good thing.
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