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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. Word going around is any account over 1 million followers, whether previously verified or not, is now getting the check forced on them. Which now falsely states that the users paid for it. Apparently Musk wasn't content with just one spectacular explosion this week.
  2. Turns out, the marks are still there. Just shifted to a non-visible spectrum.
  3. Let's keep that train rolling. (oooohh.... is it in poor taste to make a train joke in this context?)
  4. "HBO" also carries a connotation of "premium content" from a brand/channel that was largely/historically known as a luxury extra content channel purchase outside of normal cable subscriptions. In other words:
  5. So, being (I presume) elected officials, this is in essence saying to a chunk of voters "you have no representation and your votes are invalidated," am I getting that right?
  6. Ain't it wild how they've adopted a flag the color commonly associated with cowardice?
  7. Preface, I know fuck all about politics, polling, etc etc. So, maybe this is a dumb question to ask, but. How much of any of this is taking into consideration new cohorts of voters? Sure, 2016 may have seen chunks of new/young voters going Trump because lul. But those, and the children that came up after them, have had 8 years to deal with this bs. Sure, some of them might be as gullible/impressionable as their parents or whatever. But, what are the chances these new voters, often cited as a huge factor, are fully aware Trump is disastrous, and will thwart any chance he might have at winning another election? I mean. If they actually get out and vote. Which doesn't seem so unlikely. Midterms, yeah that can be a struggle (even though significant turnout broke that "red wave" we were supposed to see last time..). Tell the upcoming generation that Trump is running for president again? Might not matter how die-hard his fandom is.. Also the whole covid disproportionately killing republicans. Not so sure Trump is any sort of inevitability at this point. I mean. Would feel more confident if Dems were putting up someone more.... more. Nobody wants Biden, sure, and yeah, maybe probably he could limp along to another term. But it'd be awful nice knowing there were more stand-outs ready to make a splash. But I guess "making a splash" also kinda goes against their desire to keep the establishment satisfied.
  8. So, part of the charges are related to mishandling campaign funds, and his fan-club's response is to.... give him more money? That's some advanced stupid right there.
  9. I really don't wanna be all, like, nostalgia goggle blinded or whatever (SGC2C was just a bit before my time besides), but honestly. Why was this just so much more... idk. Good stupid? Wholesome dumb? Wholedumb? It's just absolute nonsense, but somehow it still has more charm.
  10. Less about the stunt being pulled, more just that the new shows are fairly meh. And then, like, following up with Space Ghost, as a reminder of what they used to be?
  11. I guess it's ok for an [as] "prank." Kinda just reminding me why I don't really watch most [as] programs anymore..
  12. Yes. That's the whole point. Nobody actually wants Disney to get whatever they want. But it's still evergreen entertainment watching Rs take the Ls.
  13. Soooo..... was it ever explained what happened with Gigantomachia at this point? Like... the whole jailbreak thing happened while he was in transport. Did villains stop to snatch him up along the way? Are choppers still out there floating around with nowhere to take him now? Seems like kinda an important loose thread there.
  14. Is beating cultured meat when you put a top hat and monocle on it before you start?
  15. Just throwing it out there... for a power called "One For All," they seem pretty hellbent on not sharing it with anyone...
  16. My favorite discovery through all of that nonsense.. https://www.businessinsider.com/elon-musk-twitter-sell-office-plants-to-employees-costs-bbc-2023-3?amp
  17. So, wait.. I'm confused. Fauci is guilty (or at least accused) of.... funding research? .. As an American, I can understand why you might be upset by this, I suppose..
  18. As with most of the old lore, the originals have long since been purged. But there are yet those that ensure the memories remain. Now if only the same could be said for Japanese Bikini Chicks Mechanical Bull Pie Fights....
  19. My only experience... not sure if warning or endorsement... https://www.metatube.com/en/videos/8670/Dancing-man-wearing-a-horse-mask-cooks-wild-mushrooms Went with some oddball link cuz youtube is age restricted, but if anyone can't be arsed..
  20. The pacing was atrocious. The story was forced. Had some moments, but needed more time than it got, and ultimately too many turns just for the sake of "haha, what if, tho!!" The Deadwing stuff was way too much asspull with no real payoff. A passable, if implausible, what-if story, I guess.
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