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Everything posted by rpgamer

  1. You say that like it's a difficult challenge. Nah, at some point I say stomping just isn't worth all the extra time wasted compared to just running out the clock. If you don't like goalie camping you can always just find someone with high speed and simply kite everyone around without doing anything.
  2. Because ultimate weapons demand a sacrifice? At least you can cheese it by hanging with your goalie and nobody will bother you, if you've already got a point lead.
  3. I mean, I ain't even mentioning rights or anything. Just, movie, OVA, "extended episode," call it whatever you want, it still ate up three episodes-worth of air time, which always seemed to be the more important sticking point when considering airing movies. Rights aside, movies just take up a lot of space and rarely justify knocking other shows off the block. (evidently we don't have any other shows for the block right now, so I guess it's a non-issue, lolololol) Maybe personal bias, but I kinda hope these "extended episodes" came in cheaper than picking up rights for a whole season or whatever. Kinda doesn't matter how big the draw is (and it's certainly not what it was), they really just can't get a ton of drawn out value from a one-and-done.
  4. Ohhhh. See, I assumed by "season" there would be an actual season of at least some amount of normal 30 minute episodes. I honestly had no idea about it taking a while to make it here or whatever. Honestly, again, kinda genuinely surprised Toonami even decided to go for this given previous stance of No Movies. And, again turns this whole "ending" mess into something even more ridiculous that it already seemed. But hey, if it means AoT gets one-and-done'd instead of having to see it every week, all the better.
  5. I'm pretty much always out before Billy & Mandy, so marathon is about all I've seen of it. Have they already aired the Little Rock of Horrors episode in previous weeks? Would maybe be kinda cool if Voltaire (who wrote/sang the Brains! song) knew one of his early creations was back on the air.
  6. Wait, so.. wait, what? What was even the point of airing that "premier" if that was literally all there is so far? I thought we were against playing movies on Toonami? I don't follow any AoT stuff, so I just assumed last week was a big "our season opener is extra long and extra spectacular but leads into normal episodes afterwards" presumably until the end. Are they really just chopping all of this up into movie segments releasing sparsely?
  7. Less for the opening, but I'll always remember the starting song frorm Ecco 2.
  8. Y'know, watching ep 1 again, paying it a little more attention, it's honestly not so bad, when it's not trying to rehash the same big beats from the original. When it's sorta doing its own thing, building the world and all, it's passable. It doesn't quite have the punch to really make a big mark, the writing is honestly pretty weak, the localization of some moments really flops. Initial impression: It's not really bad, but it is pretty meh.
  9. I'm just going to say this now, while I struggle to get through this whiny twat's opening monologue, the only reason I'm gonna begrudgingly stomach through this is because I know how it ends and I just want to see my vindication at long last. I will never understand how this one got popular enough to make it big.
  10. This is seriously going to hurt his presidential election bid. Oh wait....
  11. This man makes.. techno house remixes of.. folk/rock songs? I guess? (lot of this stuff seems a bit heavy/noise for me.. but I respect the premise)
  12. "That's enough youtube for one day" moment.
  13. And he knows all about impeachments. Master of them. Nobody's had more impeachments than him. That makes him an expert.
  14. Personally, I'm willing to let the animation slide. I agree it's not great, but I'm ok with letting aesthetics be an artistic choice. The whole point is to be charming, in its own way. Like those super ugly dogs that some people weirdly think are cute.
  15. That... all felt so fake. So shallow. As if, after the criticism of the previous 2, they took it to mean "FLCL must have these specific story beats" and crammed them all in. A subtle hint of self awareness. Was honestly kinda hoping the next episode preview would swerve in an entirely different direction, but it looks to be more of this..
  16. I'm sorry, what? Did the ad for this just declare it "one of the best anime series of all time"? Are you having a laugh? I don't even think it's purely my bias here, that is just an absurdly bold claim that doesn't hold up.
  17. See, I'd always heard it was mashed potatoes. Shortening does sound more consistent and possibly cheaper, tho. The other trick I remember is, for making things look steaming hot, microwaving a damp tampon and positioning that behind the food item.
  18. I seem to recall, long ago, watching some of the tricks used in food photography. And, yeah, for things like burgers, they absolutely do primp and prep. I think it also involved cutting a wedge out of the back of the burger so it could be "opened" outwards to appear larger.
  19. Seriously, tho.. we know the boys are clones, and now we know Rusty.. "incubated" them.. are we absolutely sure they're not just clones of himself? And for that matter, now knowing Malcolm (and probably Rusty?) are both also clones.. are we certain they're not actually just clones of Jonas? Because that feels like an oddly appropriate conclusion. The whole family being one super-scientist's botched attempt at "living forever" and each generation is raised unaware yet somehow accidentally stumbles into the same outcome. Which can also explain why each generation seems... intellectually diminished. Just typical clonal degradation.
  20. Mentioned earlier, keep an eye on credits. Zod wasn't named/listed. But... Brainiac was. And, coincidentally, what is the symbol/iconography typically associated with Brainiac?
  21. Bit disappointed that Friday was an all-Dexter day. As my day off, might not be thrilled to see if they happen to continue that trend of Friday being one-show blocks or whatever this was.
  22. Well fuckin' played, writers, for stringing that along so well. Honestly. The twist was one of those "fucks' sake, that should've been obvious this whole time." Hell, at this point it just leaves me asking: "Ok, we know the boys are clones. But clones of whom?" Hell, even Rusty said he doesn't know his own mom. It's just fuckin clones all the way down, isn't it?
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