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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. I would have two pillowcases and a backpack and I didn't even think about going home until all of them were full
  2. he and his cousin are taking his cousin's dad there cuz he wants to see it before he shuffles off this mortal coil i'm getting them car snacks for their trip, i'm packing tuna packets and fruit cups because I am making sure that they return their rental vehicle smelly as fuck.
  3. done.
  4. in a few weeks Christmas will start its war on us
  5. I made chicken wings last night in yeungling wing sauce no pics though, bf devoured them before a pic could even be considered.
  6. Just got out of work, so, no pants
  7. many years as a kid, I used to play here no campgrounds and no sleeping in the woods unless you wanted to get murdered by transients
  8. pajama-pant-capris with the grumpy care bear on them
  9. but Sterling Holloway died in '92
  10. Mine is quite accurate as I'm from RI
  11. mine is just for show not for usin and rubbers bust easy? I wouldn't know, I don't use em.
  12. i have the same stress ball
  13. where I used to live, a local radio station would have an "xmas in july" event, where for a week in july they would play xmas music they had to abruptly drop the music when people thought they were literally losing their minds, waking up hearing xmas tunes.
  14. Care to elaborate?
  15. but he can get sleeping pills
  16. sleeping pills like, a whole bottle of them
  17. push mower today with a baby strapped in it WV Everybody!
  18. You've reminded me of the god-awful film Lost Lake (alternatively titled Peak Experience) This is the only clip I could find of the alternate/extended ending What happens in the film doesn't matter, but in the ending all the characters die and are taken to another dimension where they choose where they would like to live their next life, and yes, hell is one of the choices, you have to see this shit to believe it.
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