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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. if december is feeling like forever, just wait 'til January . . .
  2. my first thought was elwood p. dowd
  3. women hate getting socks? I love socks
  4. yeah, that's my thinking but mum pulled out her xmas stockings from the basement and she has them with the names written on them and the toe pointing left, and I just made my bf's stocking the right way and now it doesn't fit in with the others
  5. do you hang them with the toe pointing left or right?
  6. the thread title reminded me of this, and the rest of it kinda fits too
  7. opt for the bacon bouquet instead
  8. relevant
  9. working, for sure, but after that I hope I get some solitude and don't get dragged to all of my boyfriend's friend's/family's houses
  10. last week I bought a fridge I am adult af
  12. my kitchen has been mustard yellow since I moved in to this house, I keep meaning to paint it, but I work all the time
  13. is it just painted or is there another difference i'm not seeing?
  14. Uncle Charlie's Fist
  15. Uncircumcised Cock Feta
  16. Yeah, this finale was kinda meh Mallory was awesome, of course. To the one who said that Mallory had to stay in the past, maybe its because she returned to a time when her supreme was still living so her powers retrograded to where she couldn't return to the present. And Mallory goes back, kills Michael and joins the academy? What was the circumstances of Mallory joining the first time? It would be different if they inserted a line a couple episodes ago saying that Mallory just appeared in the office out of nowhere, but we received zero backstory for her. Marie Laveau's return, awesome, but I feel Papa Legba wouldn't be satisfied with just a trade off (her for Dinah) Papa gets his, one way or another. As for the "genetically perfect" couple, we know that they were chosen by the cooperative because they can produce another antichrist (but how?), I was thinking their purpose was to make a mate for Michael, but then they had a son, ……...so...……...? The devil worshippers showed up on Tim and Emily's doorstep like satan flashes the antichrist signal in the sky. I never liked them having anton lavey and not really making him a full fledged character, kind of a waste. And, i'm not up on my theology, but I thought in the book of revelations the devil loses, Michael keeps saying that he's supposed to win.
  17. got it, lobster stuffed with tacos
  18. Can you make anything, like a craft? Make nice things and sell them.
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