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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. its been so hot today, i'm dying for a bad storm
  2. spoilers ahead but yeah, damn, how did adora not see the teeth in the floor in the penultimate episode? and I never liked the amma character, she was too all over the place, and how could she and her friends keep the murders secret, teenage girls cant keep their underwear a fucking secret. But there are so many more questions left unanswered.
  3. Then you'll go "poof" . . . ?
  4. Anyone else watch this mini-series?
  5. The ads make me feel like the puppet comedy novelty wears off in about five minutes and then you're just left with a melissa McCarthy movie
  6. my first name is the name of a sandwich and not a very good one
  7. baby when he was li'l
  8. I wish someone cared about me enough to send me something special
  9. I was thinking i'd wear Edward Scissorhands-gloves with a t-shirt that says "Free Handjobs"
  10. i see it as people being so narcissistic that they can't imagine a world without them in it, so rather then accept their own death as a possibility, the end of the world is a far more plausible concept
  11. I never took chemistry or physics, I moved around a lot and every new school made me take geology
  12. thunderstorms here, I got cats in bed with me cuz they're hiding from the thunder
  13. all i hear is jack webb's voice "just the tits ma'am"
  14. I think he mentioned something that made her start sweating profusely
  15. I like to think the origin of this is that the old man was looking up illicit content by searching for "butt videos", auto-correct turned "butt" into "Butte", and when the son saw the search history he decided to surprise the dad with a trip to montana, and the ashamed old man is really committed to the lie.
  16. I've never been asked so nicely before
  17. You don't ask for much, do you?
  18. I don't question it, that whole family is weird
  19. the latter is more unbelievable
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