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Everything posted by little_girl_lost

  1. i gotta learn how by Saturday and online recipes aren't clear enough hoping someone here has cooked salmon under a broiler before
  2. ok cool let party
  3. Nah, about 10 years after their wedding, mum's husband's grandmother died and his parents "buried" her in a mausoleum wall at that cemetary, and his mother wanted to be buried there too, so she traded in mum and hubby's plots so they could afford to be interned there too when mum's husband died in an accident years later, they wouldn't even pitch in for a new burial arrangement
  4. I got less back than less year, cuz I made more money doesn't make sense to me, but w/e got my federal direct deposited a few days ago, but it always takes forever for my state taxes return
  5. when my mum got married for the second time she did it at a justice of the peace's house and the only ones there were the kids. afterwards had a family get-together at the house for the reception and her husbands parents got them side-by-side burial plots as a wedding gift
  6. according to my bf, salmon
  7. My bf wants salmon So I hafta learn to make salmon
  8. The infection cleared up
  9. "wondering" or "wandering"
  10. ok, i'll bite
  11. Ep 2, Lindsay and edgar make jimmy & Gretchen set a date, they choose 6/9, Gretchen bangs a toilet for a few hours Ep. 3, Paul F. Tompkins is creepy as fuck jimmy pitches writing the screenplay for his book, but hates that they wanna focus on the character "Kitty" based on gretchen Gretchen puts off calling her mum and looks for her own replacement will Lindsay ever find whatever she thinks love is? the season seems to be setting up a love story for her, but only puts her in scenes with gretchen and again, paul f Tompkins is creepy as fuck, and the sandwich eating scene toward the end of the ep seems very similar to when Dorothy was telling edgar that doug benson used to humiliate her for his and the other comedians amusement.
  12. snow hates you
  13. bit o honey chick o stick mary janes
  14. mike & ike/good n plenty smarties
  15. peanut butter taffy in the orange and black wrappers people give out on halloween
  16. necco wafers Jordan almonds
  17. candy corn mallowcreme pumpkins candy canes conversation hearts circus peanuts
  18. T.S. Motherfuckin' A.
  19. the wedding season all the commercials are about their wedding, but I doubt we'll see it actually happen last night's ep, jimmy and gretchen tell fake love stories to wedding planners, no sign of Lindsay or Edgar, but i'm sure they'll have their own arcs this season, I don't wanna see them just following jimmy and Gretchen around
  20. if by stick you mean erect penis, then yes, yes I can
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