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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. We're totally right handed, but We very often try to do stuff with the left, because We don't like the idea of being constrained. Some stuff We can do almost as well as We can with the right. Those are things We're complete shit at to begin with though.
  2. Only trouble is, gee whiz, you're dreaming your life away.
  3. We used to weaponize robots. Those were good times.
  4. Aarog's is pretty fascinating. We check in on theirs from time to time, though it seems to not be active anymore now that hrhrhr has come online. Aside from that it's just a rare whimsical curiosity. As far as Our own goes, We generally keep the recent visitors block disabled because We're not that interested in how scant few people care about what We're not currently saying. But again, rare whimsical curiosities.
  5. Everyone dies.
  6. There was a bit where We used a different color... There's a rather large distinction between Our '04 persona and Our '10 persona. Much less of one between '10 and '18, though it can be found if one cared enough to look. Though that speaks more of the ends to which Our linguistic structures aim for rather than the (more relevant to the question you posed) means by which We compose them.
  7. You should probably get an examination. And it'd be best if you don't shower prior to that.
  8. Mmhmm. Because real women is a topic with which you have vast amounts of experience.
  9. Impossible to say. You'd have to try for it, and if you die prior to making it happen then we'll know.
  10. For the record, if we take the stated propositions (that the default odds for two contestants are 50/50 (i.e. Samoa Joe v. Kurt Angle); that that the odds for Samoa Joe v. Scott Steiner are 25/75; that the odds for Kurt Angle v. Scott Steiner are 0/100; that Kurt Angle and Scott Steiner will not resolve their contest first) as given, the probabilities for a victory are as follows: Kurt Angle - 6.25% Samoa Joe - 12.5% Scott Steiner - 81.25% Assuming that there is an equal likelihood between the remaining two options for first match-up. Note that this does not affect Samoa Joe's chances, only Kurt Angle's and Scott Steiner's. From a game theory perspective, this is a poor assumption, as Kurt Angle will have a much higher preference for avoiding the first resolution than Scott Steiner. We are unsure how to quantify this as it chiefly varies with Kurt Angle's awareness of this phenomenon. It is likely that he would be cognizant of it, but We presume his specialty lies not in statistics but geometry. Fun fact: when working out the figures, We abbreviated his name using the ∠ symbol.
  11. Pssh. Rules are for chumps who can't safely ride dragons. But if We were to play your lame ass kid mode... Rhino. And bystanders still be damned.
  12. Dragon it is then, and bystanders be damned.
  13. We give very little, here and there. But We don't take shit from anyone.
  14. "Happiness I cannot feel and love to me is so unreal."
  15. "Mianus does not have its own ZIP code... Mianus lies partly in the Cos Cob ZIP code, partly in the Riverside ZIP code area, and partly in the Old Greenwich ZIP code area. It... is home to an elementary school."
  16. You are quite welcome. P.S. The chart shows the rankings of how often people have searched for various terms with Google on a per year basis over the last two decades.
  17. Some belts and an inordinate amount of hangers.
  18. https://20years.withgoogle.com/?c=celestial_objects&i=sun Nobody is interested in Uranus. Ever.
  19. We'd rather be ugly than poor, but We'd also rather be hot than rich. It really depends on how destitute we're talking here.
  20. What part of "rest in peace" do you not understand?
  21. Such dgaf. The likeness is uncanny.
  22. He's just a pretty typical guy. Kinda boring. Way out of touch with the kids these days, and makes something of a habit of white-knighting.
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