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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. Our "place" isn't real. There is not some Kweerie-shaped niche carved out in the side of the world waiting for Us to come fill it. There is no space cordoned off for Us, except that which We, Ourself, have made. There is only the ground. The ground We now stand upon, the ground We have tread upon previously, and the ground on which We have yet to walk. There is a modicum of use in considering the state of the grass on a given piece of ground. But said use pails in comparison to that of taking steps.
  2. Lego sets that were actually blocks.
  3. FFS. What part of "It has an eyeball" don't you understand?
  4. We know. It's sort of a better-safe-than-sorry thing We've got. Except far less rational.
  5. Slander.
  6. We were with a friend, so they got to keep watch. Wouldn't have done it otherwise. The joys of paranoia.
  7. Hornshire


    Pretty sure most pollsters just make shit up. Because the results aren't significantly different than if that were in fact the case.
  8. Other Barry.
  9. We often try to set things on fire just by staring at them. No successes to report at this time.
  10. Once. We don't fly very often to begin with, so there hasn't been much in the way of an opportunity. In general, We have no problem with sleeping on floors. We are, however, very reluctant to sleep in public.
  11. A day is just a long collection of moments. A good day, then, would be one wherein the good moments outweigh the bad. Qualitatively. Numbers mean very little. This is generally, though not always, characterized by a distinct lacking of the notion that, when We go to sleep, We'd rather not wake up tomorrow.
  12. We do not see the end as an end. It is sterile, and void of meaning or purpose.
  13. It is conflict that improves the lot of civilization and single being both. Conflict forces one to better oneself. It forces change, growth, adaptation... evolution... or death. These are not our laws, but the universe's. Without conflict you have only stagnation.
  14. You don't get bitches. You're not fooling anyone.
  15. Reminds Us of a tinkerer We had fix a watch. Some of the parts had to be completely reshaped. That dude really ground Our gears.
  16. You want to be on top, you've got to earn it. Thunderdome awaits.
  17. Depends on their personality. There's a sort of right leaning bell curve of how much like Us they are vs. how much We'd like them, so that will determine what the progression of our relationship would look like. But whatever the case, the starting place is obviously putting together a magic trick.
  18. Chad & JT 2020. Maybe then Strider won't be stuck in Benihana.
  19. Finding it is the easy part. Now you have to raise it.
  20. Yes. Let's all corral into a single, solitary area conveniently targetable by satellite laser. It'd be a terribly efficient move.
  21. They are arbitrary. Necessary, yes, to understand the world we live in to the most complete extent we can. But still arbitrary. Why, for example, is up up? Why isn't it left? You could cite gravity, as the determining factor, but really all you're doing is establishing an origin point. Move a significant distance from the nearest concentration of mass and such a delineation is of no consequence, and the initial question becomes much more difficult to answer. It is, perhaps, worth noting that many refer to time as the 4th dimension. This is a flawed assessment, in Our view. Time has primacy. It is primacy, in a sense. All measurements in the strictly spatial dimensions mean nothing if context is not first established through a reference time. It should be considered the 1st. Maybe even the 0th.
  22. We've never met one that was cool. Or interesting. Or exhibiting any characteristic that would incline Us to spend further time around them. We are not opposed to being friends with one, on principle. But the fact of the matter is simply that We aren't.
  23. Not going through that much effort for people We're not friends with.
  24. Saturday, 11:59:59 pm
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