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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. We're not friends with hippies.
  2. It cannot be proven to be impossible. That's the strongest argument for it, if you even count that as an argument. (Which We don't, really.) But since you've proposed it, We'll play along... If you assume that the past did not happen, you will not have gained weight. This is because there was no point prior to now where you had any weight to use as reference. You always have been the weight you are now, because in such a scenario, now is the sum totality of always. The Twinkies you ate yesterday are having no effect, because you did not eat them because there was no yesterday. If you are not currently experiencing Twinkie bliss, you never have. Any memories you have of prior occurrences are illusion. Any thought you've had prior, you didn't have prior; you're having it now, and only imagining to have had it before. Such an existence, if you even count that as existence (which We don't, really) has no functionality. There is nothing gained from holding that view, nor is there anything lost in dismissing it even if it were true. As for being Hell... that entirely depends on the prospect of future. It's one thing to say that there is no past, and that the Universe just sprang into being exactly as it is right now, but will henceforth continue in a manner consistent with what we imagine it to have been doing, while in reality not. It is an entirely different proposition that not only has there never been another moment before, but that there will never be a moment after. This particular view has even less utility. It is a world wherein you have no chance to lose weight, no opportunity to experience the joys of Twinkies, and no hope for anything at all. It is static and dead. Less than dead, because it was never live.
  3. The Wedding Singer. Little Nicky was a desperate attempt to pull himself back. But even if it had not been a sad, half-assed attempt, he was too far gone for it to make any difference.
  4. Sticks and stones, love.
  5. As it is now, the Universe is just the constant present. It may perhaps be more correct to say that the constant present is just the Universe, but the point is that that is not a movement in paradigms, let alone a fundamental shift. As for a nonexistent past, We don't feel this has an impact either. Because regardless of any truth to it, we still hold a perception of past. Whether or not the events in fact happened does not change the notion that there was an order to them.
  6. Around 46K. Not sure if We're going to break 50, or just approach it asymptotically.
  7. We're pretty good at making friends. Just not with people.
  8. It's been a while... We had a bulldog named Spike. His mouth actually unzipped, and was a huge pocket. We had two bears, Jeff (a polar bear) and Albert (a brown bear). We had a fairly large Munch doll, the purple thing from Chuck E. Cheese that We think is supposed to be a gorilla, regardless it was fuzzy. We also vaguely remember a rabbit that wore a floral dress, though that was more a decoration than a plaything. And may have just been something at Our grandmother's house. We're quite certain there were others, but those are the ones that first come to mind.
  9. Kay. But what do you have to say about something that is Christmas music?
  10. Nuclear reactions. But then you really just establish a relationship between mass and energy, and don't actually get at the matter of origin. Or origin of matter, as it were. It's not a question We expect to ever be answered.
  11. Sure you don't, kiddo.
  12. Meaning implies a message. Something being communicated. And by extension, an author. Life, as most understand it, is then a body of work. Seldom will you find an aggregate of various compositions, of any significant size, that contains within it a continuous, succinct, unambiguous idea. Themes will abound, to be sure, but so to will contradiction. This is in large part due to the fact that separate works have separate audiences, and address separate issues. One could argue that life is not an anthology, but one piece unto itself. This is folly. Even if we are to accept this in theory, in practice the result is the same. For, in order to understand it, one must observe it, beginning to end. But that is not how we partake. We are given snippets, brief glimpses, a handful of beats plucked arbitrarily from a grand orchestration. And so, if we are to discern anything, it is not an articulate pronouncement, but rather a succession of murmurs. Thus, the answer, in the most literal of senses, is memes.
  13. We don't.
  14. Finding a second onion ring in your fries.
  15. Hmmm. C'est la vie.
  16. That was totally not Our intent. Totally.
  17. Ninja Batman is an obvious move. Ronin Joker... not so much. Still, it touched Our weeb spot.
  18. Hey. How's come Han isn't on the poster? Thought they were doing a Han movie...
  19. A calorie is a unit of energy. In a Newtonian understanding of physics (which is sufficient for how you function on a day to day basis), energy is neither created or destroyed. It is only ever transferred. Thus, when you take it into your body, it will not just disappear; it must be expended in some fashion. A portion of it is used in continuing natural operations. The rest is employed in either physical exertion or weight gain. For reference, average daily calorie intake for a male to maintain weight (there are a lot of factors involved, so it varies) is 2,500. Since this is quite a bit lower than what you've had in one meal alone, if you don't engage in activity to offset your intake, the result will be an increase in body mass. We couldn't find any data on calorie intake for pillows, but We suspect Miku should engage in more physical activity also.
  20. Neither seems particularly useful.
  21. Ah. 3,360 calories and 54 grams of saturated fat. Those are units that mean things.
  22. Our existence does seem rather apparent.
  23. Do you feel in charge?
  24. An action with no consequences is an action with no effect. But, to cut to the gist of your inquiry... von Doom-ity Doom Doom Doom-Doom Doom
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