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Everything posted by Hornshire

  1. The appeal to vampires is that they are an embodiment of the two most primal motivators- sex and death. Vampires done properly exemplify both. Too much sex* and you get shit like Twilight. Too much death†* and you get Nosferatu. We've sort of always wondered what a vampire that was lacking both would look like. Now We know. * wtf does this phrase even mean † No, seriously...
  2. Some. But it is simply the cold, harsh, unrelenting potential of a gaze that really gets Our toes curled. Plushness isn't a deal-breaker when you're propped up on the other side of the room.
  3. If you depart from the southern coast, you could end up going through both the Celtic and the Norwegian Seas. Maybe. The internet is despairingly empty when it comes to a proper map of sea boundaries.
  4. Ignorance is Strength.
  5. Shush, child.
  6. We don't advocate murder anymore. Kinda grew out of that. We don't not condone it, either, generally. Mostly because Our opinion really has no bearing on the matter. We do, however, remain a staunch advocate of not getting caught. So please, don't get caught. Here are some quick tips on how not to get caught murdering people: 1) Don't murder people. 2) Don't openly talk about murdering people. Best of luck in your exploits, whatever path you choose.
  7. We remember people acting like it was some big fucking accomplishment to post in another folder. As though there were border guards one had to slip pass. One of IB's more pathetic moments. Which really tells you something.
  8. Was expecting actual feces... But We're okay with this.
  9. @Adminderaptorpat @Roggo_Doggo Not sure who moved this, but... This is not a Rant. This is not an Editorial. There are absolutely no* diatribes, tirades, or arguments. What does exist of politics and opinions is coincidental. This is light, general discussion. The format of this thread does not in any way differ from the "What YouTube video are you watching?" thread. FFA is not IB. It is not a cesspool of blithering idiots, void of intellect and culture. (IB was not actually that either, though it was advertised as such.) We would appreciate it if you would stop reinforcing derogatory misconceptions. *Until now. Good job.
  10. "Like 'A Tribe Called Quest', you say the whole thing." - A Pimp Named Slickback
  11. "I once tried to resist. But the Bando Gora have ways of weakening your mind and breaking your will." - Komari Vosa
  12. His mom usually lets him have internet time on the weekends, so it should be okay.
  13. Two kids. And then a miscarriage. That she later reveals to have been an abortion. Just like your marriage is an abortion. Something that's unholy. And evil. She didn't want you son, kitten. She wouldn't bring another one of your sons into this world. [While We're loathe to compare you to someone so capable, We take solace in the fact that at the end of the scene it would be you who ends up slapped and crying on the couch.]
  14. Because you're a pathetic loser, and wherever she's at in life now is still miles ahead of where she would of been had she given you the time of day.
  15. Meh. If people aren't memorable We don't patronize them. Hell, We act like We don't know at least half the people We've met.
  16. http://www.sciencealert.com/thermodynamics-arrow-of-time-reversed-under-quantum-conditions Sounds more impressive than it actually is. It's been known that initial correlation can decrease entropy, as the authors point out in the study. Also worth mentioning, despite the rampant bluster about the arrow, all of the graphs start at time equal to zero and increase at a constant rate of 1 ms/ms. Still though, heat flow from cold to hot without apparent work, however temporary. Cue Judas Priest.
  17. 48. We lost discreteness in the ninth row.
  18. Because vegetable, in culinary terms, is a made-up category. It has no defining characteristics, no meaningful properties. It's entirely arbitrary. Therefore, if the powers that be declare grains not to be vegetables, then grains aren't vegetables.
  19. You just have to chalk it up to ulterior motives. Like, they're just trying to make you look bad and stuff.
  20. There's no way you ask this question before it actually has happened. Which means... Ha. They fired you before Christmas. Man, you suck at life.
  21. hubbb McGeeGee, or whatever it was. I_luv_hearts It's kinda sad, because it's sort of shaping up like a list of people who can't actually compose substantive content, and just rely on a lame gimmick. Womp-womp.
  22. We'll get to it. Eventually.
  23. Pretty sure most people do. Or is this not a problem you have when attempting to shower with other men?
  24. Hornshire

    Are we fam?

    We consider our relationship to be one of two autonomous beings operating with knowledge of each other but without enmity. Call it whatever you like. We will continue to act as We have done so thus far, be it accordingly or otherwise.
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